kristof26's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Boca do Acre, Brazil

Boca do Acre

Hub for hallucinogenic Amazon religion.
Iporanga, Brazil

Gruta Casa de Pedra

At 705 feet high, Brazil's "House of Stone" is the largest cave mouth in the world.
São Paulo, Brazil

Former World's Tallest Lego Tower

Many cities have held the title, but Brazil snatched the crown from Chile in 2011.
São Paulo, Brazil

Hotel Unique

A huge boat-shaped hotel with a blood red pool and other oddities.
Manaus, Brazil

Encontro das Águas (Meeting of Waters)

This striking, two-toned confluence of rivers is visible from space.
Ubatuba, Brazil

Anchieta Island Correctional Institute

The ruins of this Brazilian island prison still bear the scars of the bloody rebellion that closed it down.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Cemitério São João Batista

Try not to get lost in this picturesque Brazilian labyrinth of the dead.
São Paulo, Brazil

Beco do Batman

One of São Paulo's tight urban intersections has become a haven for graffiti artists ever since a single Batman started the trend.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Largest Street Art Mural in the World

Eduardo Kobra’s breathtaking 32,300-square-foot graffiti wall took over Rio’s Olympic Boulevard.
Santa Terezinha, Brazil

Chapada das Mesas National Park

High plateaus and beautiful waterfalls frame this ecologically significant nature preserve.
São Paulo, Brazil

Crypt of the São Paulo Cathedral

The crypts are so large they're basically their own underground church.
Chaves, Brazil

Victoria Amazonica

Queen of the waterlilies, so big and strong it can support the weight of a human.

Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara

Site full of incredible prehistoric paintings and archeological findings.
Pernambuco, Brazil

Old Petrolandia Church

The haunting peak of an old church is all that remains of a drowned Brazilian city.
Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil

Vale da Lua

After millennia of erosion by sand and churning water this Brazilian valley now looks like a lunar fantasy.
Santo Amaro do Maranhão, Brazil

Lençóis Maranhenses Dunes

A faux desert landscape in the middle of the jungle that sprouts oases during the rainy season.
Santo André, Brazil

Paranapiacaba Train Station

The remains of a British railway rusting in the jungle mist of a Brazilian mountainside.
Aveiro, Brazil


Henry Ford's failed rubber plantation in the middle of the Amazon rain forest.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Parque Lage

Beautiful public park off the beaten path and away from tourists.
Vila de São Jorge, Brazil

Glowing Termite Mounds of Emas National Park

These termites have an large and deadly abode—impressive by day, dazzling by night.
Parnamirim, Brazil

World's Largest Cashew Tree

You feel like you're in a forest, but you're actually walking amidst the branches and trunks of a single giant tree.
Manacapuru, Brazil

Ariau Towers

An Amazonian hotel is the ultimate treehouse and provides stilt based accommodation.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Largo do Boticário

Crumbling remnant of Rio's colonial past tucked behind Corcovado mountain in the neighborhood of Cosme Velho.
Bonito, Brazil

Gruta Do Lago Azul (Blue Lake Grotto)

Part of one of the largest flooded cavities on the planet, and littered with prehistoric animal bones.