laramrose's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stavanger, Norway

Iron Age Farm

A reconstructed farm shows what life was like in Norway 1,500 years ago.
Dobbs Ferry, New York

St. Cabrini Novitiate

This dilapidated castle-like structure overlooks the Hudson River at one of its widest points and was once home to nuns.
Martorell, Spain

Pont del Diable

A gravity-defying "devil's bridge" that has a surprising architectural feature for its stability.

Geilo Ice Music Festival

Norway's chilly all ice-instrument festival.
Flåm, Norway

Flåmsbana (Flåm Railway)

One of the most breathtaking railways in Europe also takes one of the steepest climbs, from fjord to mountain plateau.
Flåm, Norway

Ægir Brewery

A Viking-style brewpub named for a Norse sea giant, in the heart of fjord country.
Bergen, Norway

Lepramuseet (Leprosy Museum)

St George's Leprosy Museum depicts the gruesome afflictions of those suffering from the disease.
St. Charles, Illinois

Al Capone's Hideaway & Steakhouse

A onetime gangsters' hideaway where you can dine on steaks, fine wines, and cigars just like they once did.
Manteno, Illinois

Decatur & State Line Railway Bridge Piers

Meant for a railway that was never built because of the Great Chicago Fire, these piers still stand nearly 150 years after they were installed.
Galena, Illinois

The Dowling House

The oldest house in Galena, Illinois, now is a reminder of when this city was the world's lead mining capital.
Paris, Illinois

'Faerie Traces'

In a grove of fast growing walnut trees outside Paris, Illinois, a marker shares the story of a fictional road building culture.
Geneva, Illinois

Illinois State Training School Cemetery

This cemetery is all that remains of a school for "wayward" girls.
Volo, Illinois

Volo Auto Museum

Its eclectic exhibits range from the world’s first motorcycle to Luke Skywalker’s Land Speeder.
Elsah, Illinois

The Mistake House

First known as the "Sample House," this construction mash-up was meant to be a living catalogue of building styles.
Batavia, Illinois

Fabyan Windmill

Arguably the best example of an authentic Dutch windmill in the United States, rivaling its counterparts in the Netherlands.
Mountain Township, Illinois

Garden of the Gods

In the Shawnee National Forest, amazing rock formations peer through the treeline.
Carbondale, Illinois

Jeremy Rochman Memorial Park

In the loving memory of a tragically deceased role-player this Illinois park is decked out with both dungeons and dragons.
Vandalia, Illinois

The Kaskaskia Dragon

Buy a token from the liquor store and you can make this beast spew flames on command.
Chicago, Illinois

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center

You can take a class, browse the library, or visit the lavish lair of an international men's humor society.
Martinsville, Illinois

Moonshine, Illinois

Even with only two residents and one building, this tiny Illinois town is famous for its burgers.
Charleston, Illinois

Airtight Bridge

The legacy of an unsolved, gruesome murder rests beneath the spans of this historic bridge.
Olney, Illinois

Albino Squirrels of Olney, Illinois

The mysterious white squirrels of this Illinois city are treated like sacred cows.
Chicago, Illinois

Calumet Fisheries

One of Chicago's last seafood smokehouses perfects a dying breed of fishcraft.
Chicago, Illinois

The remains of "Polish Broadway"

Where old school Polish Chicago and young hipster Chicago live side by side.