leducjoly's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Duns, Scotland

Scottish Borders Wojtek the Soldier Bear

The beloved war-time celebrity spent time in the area before retiring to the Edinburgh Zoo.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Police Museum

This hidden gem reveals the history of Britain's first police force.
Musselburgh, Scotland

‘Memory and Reflection’

A shiny sculpture celebrating the mighty mollusk.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Golfer's Land

A British plaque explains that a house was built using the spoils of the first international golf bet.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Portobello Bottle Kilns

The last remaining bottle-shaped kilns in Scotland stand alone in an Edinburgh suburb.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral's Hebrew Inscriptions

In the depths of Glasgow Cathedral's crypt, one pillar stands out from all others.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Charles II Statue

Edinburgh's oldest statue hides within a parking lot behind the city's iconic cathedral.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cranhill Water Tower

Water-themed sculptures guard this unusually square structure.
Millport, Scotland

Cathedral of the Isles

The United Kingdom's smallest working cathedral also serves as a quaint bed and breakfast.
Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland

The Ruthwell Cross

An Anglo-Saxon cross inscribed with possibly the oldest written work of English literature.
Wick, Scotland

Ebenezer Place

The world's shortest street was created by an awkwardly placed hotel.
Edinburgh, Scotland

John Knox House

This charming old building's loose connection with the Scottish Reformer is what saved it from demolition after it split apart.
Highland, Scotland

Cawdor Castle

The location of this historic castle was inspired by a donkey.
Elgin, Scotland

Dandy Lion

A baffling beast so absurd a town councilman called it "intellectual vomit in technicolor."
Dalmally, Scotland

Saint Conan's Kirk

This eclectic sanctuary is a hodgepodge of various architectural styles, all crammed into one building.
Orkney, Scotland

The Italian Chapel

This tin chapel was built by POW's during World War II and is painted to look like something much more grand.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Barra Head Lighthouse

The highest lighthouse in Scotland shines from an abandoned island.
Rothesay, Scotland

Rothesay Victorian Loos

A bay of elaborate, historic toilets are held in high esteem at this Scottish dock.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Quality Yard

Enter this small nook and you'll be surrounded by 360 degrees of street art.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Kildalton Cross

This 1,300-year-old marker is one of the finest and most complete early Christian crosses in Scotland.
Corgarff, Scotland

Corgarff Castle

This Scottish castle has witnessed clan rivalries, Jacobite uprisings, whisky smuggling, and more.
Glasgow, Scotland

Scottish Opera Titanic Memorial

Memorial to the Titanic engineers that died working to hold back the sea.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Sheep Heid Inn

One of Edinburgh's oldest pubs hides a 19th-century skittles alley in the back.
Glasgow, Scotland

Govanhill Baths

The community pools that the community refused to give up on.