leilam's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Athlone, Ireland

Sean's Bar

The oldest pub in Ireland may also be the oldest surviving bar in the entire world.
Rosscarbery, Ireland

Drombeg Stone Circle

One of the most popular megalithic sites in Ireland stands as a humbler version of Stonehenge.

The Lost Town of Newtown Jerpoint (Jerpoint Park)

Local legend says the remains of Father Christmas lie within the medieval grounds.
Dublin, Ireland

Saint Audoen's Gate

The enchanting archway is the only surviving portal into Dublin's lost medieval wall.
Sligo, Ireland

The Glen

A tiny microvalley etched into the side of Knocknarea Mountain hides another world.
Skibbereen, Ireland

Irish Sky Garden

This floating garden in the sky is straight out of a fairy tale, but the real thing is nothing short of magical.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Dunmore Cave

This Irish show cave is said to have been the site of a Viking massacre that claimed 1,000 lives.
Dublin, Ireland

St. Michan's Mummies

An Irish church where an 800-year-old mummy is reaching out of his coffin as if to shake hands.
Dublin, Ireland

The Long Room Library at Trinity College

The gorgeous library at Trinity College is home to remarkable treasures of Irish identity.
Kerry, Ireland

Skellig Michael

Perfectly preserved ancient monastery in an impossibly dramatic location on a rocky island in the Atlantic.
Livingston, Scotland

Livingston Stone Circle

Scotland is filled with standing stones that date back hundreds or thousands of years. This is not one of them.
Birnam, Scotland

Beatrix Potter Garden

This Birnam-based garden honors the legacy of 19th-century children’s book author Beatrix Potter.
Glasgow, Scotland

St. Valentine’s Bones

Glasgow’s piece of the patron saint of love.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Calum's Road

One man spent 10 years building a spectacular section of road because no one else would.
Glasgow, Scotland

Panther Milk Bar

A secret door leads to this cozy dive that sells only “milk.”
Lerwick, Scotland

Up Helly Aa

During this Shetland Islands celebration, hundreds of torch-carrying "guizers" lead a procession to burn a viking longboat.
Glasgow, Scotland

Tchai-Ovna House of Tea

Hidden on a cobblestone street in Glasgow, a Czech Cajovna-inspired teahouse serves as a hangout for Bohemians.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cafe Royal

Come for the oysters, stay for the priceless art honoring inventors across history and Scotland's favorite outdoor sports.

The Old Forge

A pub that is literally in the middle of nowhere, but continues to do business.

Corryvreckan Whirlpool

Legend says a witch conjured the world's third largest whirlpool to protect Scotland from a nasty pirate.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Puck's Glen

This ethereal, rainforest-like gorge is home to waterfalls, quaint bridges, and fairy folk.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Bennets Bar

This historic pub has maintained much of its 1906 decor, including a small sequestered room for women, where orders were slipped through a tiny window.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Beltane Fire Festival

Summer in Scotland begins with a spectacularly wild and colorful event rooted in ancient pagan traditions.
Dunino, Scotland

Dunino Den

A site of pagan worship which still attracts people looking for fairies.