jamms1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Fine Arts Building Atrium

A Romanesque sanctuary of calm amid the bustle of downtown Los Angeles.
Fremont, California

Berkeley Mystery Walls

Neither Spanish settlers nor anyone since has been able to tell who built these strange California rock walls.
Santa Clara, California

Shrine of Our Lady of Peace

One of the largest Marian shrines on the West Coast stands rather unexpectedly in Silicon Valley.
Shanghai, China

Guangfulin Relics Park

This theme park presents 5,000 years of Shanghai history and includes a "sunken" exhibition hall.
Alxa, China

Heicheng Ruins

Sited in an Inner Mongolian desert are the remnants of an important trade stop along the Silk Road.
Jingzhou, China

Guan Yu Statue

China has many statues of the general and war god, but none are as epic as this.
Yuncheng, China

Yuncheng Salt Lake

Rainbow-hued in the summer and crystalline in the winter, this salty lake has inspired battles, temples, and plenty of awe.
Xian Shi, China

Great Mosque of Xi'an

Although resembling a grand Buddhist temple, this structure is actually the largest mosque in China.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Film Park

This film studio and amusement park is considered one of the greatest filming locations in China.
Shanghai, China

Confucian Temple of Shanghai

A prestigious learning institute of old Shanghai.
Xian Shi, China

Xi'an City Walls

An ancient fortification lives on in this Chinese city.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Zhangjiajie, China

Avatar Hallelujah Mountain

This vertical pinnacle in China was the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.”
Tataouine, Tunisia

Ksar Ouled Soltane

A 15th-century granary that played the role of futuristic slave quarters in the world of 'Star Wars.'
Naftah, Tunisia

Leftover 'Star Wars' Sets

Buildings from the fictional planet of Tatooine still litter the Tunisian desert.
Santa Barbara, California

Lil' Toot

This nonsensical smiling boat shuttles passengers between two places they could've easily walked between.
Los Angeles, California

Caioti Pizza Café

Pizza joint known for labor-inducing salad dressing.
Los Angeles, California

Ballerina Clown

A three-story, three-dimensional hobo clown in a tutu welcomes CVS shoppers.
Los Angeles, California

Historic Orange Grove

The last orange grove of the San Fernando Valley is owned and protected by CSU Northridge.
Los Angeles, California

Wat Thai Temple Food Market

Every weekend, the parking lot of this Buddhist temple turns into a Thai street-food paradise.
Los Angeles, California

El Bordello Alexandra Apartments

An increasingly eccentric apartment building, topped with winged beasties.
Toronto, Ontario

Winter Garden Theatre

A botanically themed auditorium blooms within the world’s last operating double-decker theater.
Toronto, Ontario

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

One of Canada's most incredible rare book collections holds hundreds of thousands of gorgeous tomes that the general public can touch.
Toronto, Ontario

The Monkey's Paw

A book collector's dream, this Toronto bookstore has the world's first "Biblio-Mat," a random book vending machine.