MagicTony's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kenosha, Wisconsin
Places edited in Mesa, Arizona
Places edited in Fountain City, Wisconsin
Places edited in Sparta, Wisconsin
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Baraboo, Wisconsin

Circus World Museum

A large circus museum with summer performances.
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Sanctuary Woods

The preserved remains of the former Milwaukee County Hospital for the Insane are hidden in the wooded grounds of County Park.
Chicago, Illinois

Bob Newhart Statue

Honoring the star of the “The Bob Newhart Show” which took place in the city of Chicago in the 1970s.
Williams Bay, Wisconsin

Yerkes Observatory

Home to the world's largest refracting telescope and the birthplace of modern astrophysics.
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Riviera Ballroom

A historic ballroom host to famous performers from the big band era to 1980s rock.
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

The Baker House

This lakefront cottage was crafted in the 1800s and was once a sanitorium.
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Andy Gump Statue

An unusual statue in Wisconsin of the first daily comic strip character.
Phoenix, Arizona

First Christian Church

This striking church was built from a Frank Lloyd Wright design more than a decade after the master architect's death.
Manitowoc, Wisconsin

Sputnik IV Crash Site

A metal ring in the middle of the road marks the exact spot where the Soviet satellite crash-landed in 1962.
Edsbyverken, Sweden

World's Largest Skis

This Swedish village shows off its most well-known products in a big way.
Oak Park, Illinois

Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio

The first home and studio that belonged to the famous architect.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minnehaha Falls

This small, but beautiful waterfall has attracted visits from artists, composers, and two United States presidents.
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Franks Diner

Behind a modern brick exterior lies the oldest continuously-operating lunch-car diner in the United States.
Flagstaff, Arizona

The Museum Club

This 1930s log cabin began as a taxidermy museum but is now a popular country music venue.
Scottsdale, Arizona

Frank Lloyd Wright Spire

Originally conceived as part of a proposed Arizona State Capitol building in the 1950s, this structure built in 2004 stands as a monument to the architect's legacy.
Bisbee, Arizona

Bisbee Stairs

Stairs often replace streets on the steep slopes of this old mining town.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Humphreys Peak

The highest point in Arizona is an oddly snow-topped peak within the otherwise arid state.
Page, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend

Dramatic river bend surrounds a natural red-rocked pedestal.
Page, Arizona

Antelope Canyon

Most-visited and most-photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest.
Madison, Wisconsin

Vitense Miniature Golf

Three playfully immersive mini golf courses let you travel alongside your ball to the cup at this facility, which has been around since the 1950s.
Sparta, Wisconsin

FAST Fiberglass Mold Graveyard

These molds for fiberglass statues have formed an eerie, accidental sculpture park.
Springfield, Illinois

Lincoln Tomb

When you visit his grave, be sure to rub the Great Emancipator's nose for good luck.
Minneapolis, Minnesota


One of two giant blue cockerel statues erected with an intentional double meaning.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mary Tyler Moore Statue

A bronze statue on a downtown corner honors Minneapolis's favorite career gal.