marievanhee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sundsvall, Sweden


A massive land art sculpture fills a green space once tarnished by a landfill.
Borås, Sweden

Walking to Boras

A colossal strolling Pinocchio that was greeted with more outrage than whimsy.
Rättvik V, Sweden

Springkällan (The Spring)

An oil drilling mistake created this fountain that has been spraying water for over 150 years.
Älvdalen S, Sweden

Njupeskärs Vattenfall

Believed to be the country's tallest waterfall, the Njupeskär is actually much smaller.
Kramfors N, Sweden

Bålberget Memorial

This serene wooded hilltop has a dark history as the climactic point of the Swedish witch trials.
Esrange, Sweden

Esrange Rocket Shelters

The wilderness of northern Sweden is full of shelters to protect people from sounding rockets returning from space.
Stockholm, Sweden

Krutbanan (Gunpowder Track)

This railroad track was so secretive that it was omitted from all maps.
Stockholm, Sweden

Västra Skogen Escalator

A Stockholm metro station is home to an escalator that is not only the longest in Sweden, but among the longest in the world.
Älvdalen N, Sweden


This tiny Swedish troll protects the land and all who wander within it.
Älvdalen N, Sweden

Trollvägen Magic Hill

Gravity seems to fail at this intriguing Swedish attraction.
Ängelholm V, Sweden

Ängelholm UFO Memorial

A memorial to a Swedish hockey player's "encounter" with aliens.
Simrishamn, Sweden

Prästens Badkar (The Priests Bathtub)

The world's only above water sand volcano, believed to once be the bathtub of a priest.
Karlshamn N, Sweden

Jättegrytorna i Tararp (The Tarap Giant Kettles)

A geological wonder that helped fuel myths of trolls and giants.
Kvarntorp, Sweden

A Pile of Art

An eclectic sculpture park rises atop a giant pile of ashes in Sweden.
Sigtuna, Sweden

Sigtuna Stora Gatan

Sweden's oldest street has not changed for nearly a millennium.
Lund, Sweden

Horologium mirabile Lundense

This Swedish astronomical clock was in storage for almost a century before its glorious workings were put on display once more.
Åkraberg, Sweden

Borrås Skåra

Walking through this narrow gorge will make you feel like you've fallen into a fairytale landscape.
Kneippen, Sweden

Villa Villekulla

Visit the home of Sweden's beloved fictional character, Pippi Longstocking.
Uppsala, Sweden

Gustavianum Museum

The second oldest anatomical theater is housed in a museum of curiosities.
Stockholm, Sweden

Mårten Trotzigs Gränd

Stockholm's narrowest alley is barely over two feet wide.
Ystad, Sweden

Ales Stenar

According to legend, this boat-shaped henge is built over the grave of a mythic king.
Stockholm, Sweden

'Hemlös räv' ('Rag and Bone')

This homeless brass fox tugs at your heartstrings from the foot of a Stockholm bridge.
Borgholm, Sweden

Trollskogen (The Troll Forest)

Crooked windswept pines give this old forest an enchanted and magical look.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.