matttimothy76's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Whitby, England

Bram Stoker Memorial Seat

The view that inspired the scenes of Dracula's first landing in England.
Holy Island of Lindisfarne, England

Pilgrims Way to Holy Island

Twice a day this ancient path disappears with the tides, leaving the Holy Island of Lindisfarne out to sea.
Alnwick, England

Alnwick Castle

This iconic 1,000-year-old medieval castle is a favorite of the film industry, most notably as the location for Hogwarts in Harry Potter.
Alnwick, England

Alnwick Poison Garden

The sign at the garden gate reads: "These Plants Can Kill."
Northumberland, England


This enchanting Victorian estate was home to the world's first hydroelectric power generator.
Darlington, England

Brick Train

A locomotive made from 185,000 bricks celebrates the town's pioneering railway history.
Houghton le Spring, England

Penshaw Monument

The nearly 200-year-old folly has a secret spiral staircase hidden in one of its pillars.
Gateshead, England

The Angel of the North

Huge winged monument in the United Kingdom.
Alnwick, England

Barter Books

This enormous secondhand bookstore inside a Victorian train station sparked the "Keep Calm and Carry On" craze.