michellechaguay7's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Crown & Crumpet

The tea room that pushed the boundaries of adorable straight into...we can't find the words.
New York, New York

Gimbel's Bridge

A three-story copper skybridge connects two Manhattan buildings with Art Deco luxury.
Amboy, California

Amboy Ghost Town

The ghost town that ended up on Ebay.
Mitchell, Oregon

Painted Hills

Oregon's unexpected high desert, displaying layers of time in a colorful show.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio

The Haserot Angel

The angel of death appears to weep black tears at this grave marker.
Los Angeles, California

Ennis House

This weird abode has inspired everything from the "House On Haunted Hil" to a robot hunter's pad.
Portland, Oregon

Cathedral Park

A heavenly experience, right here on Terra Firma.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

Each year these high desert hills are absolutely covered with poppy flowers in a surreal show of nature.
Laguna Beach, California

Victoria Beach's Pirate Tower

This strange seaside tower got its name from a wealthy eccentric who would hide coins among its stones.
San Francisco, California

Yoda Fountain

There is no trying to fall in love with this Star Wars fountain, you just do or do not.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
New York, New York

Museum of Sex

A semi-scholarly approach to sex.
New York, New York

Greenacre Park

Read a book next to a Midtown waterfall.
New York, New York

Dream House

La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela's "Dream House" will immerse you in an ever changing world of sound and light.
Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri's Castle

Ruins of the elaborate house where the enigmatic costume designer threw glamorous parties for New York's theatrical elite.
Beatty, Nevada

Albert Szukalski's Last Supper

Twelve plaster figures inspired by da Vinci's famed painting haunt the desert landscape above a real-life ghost town.
Alamo, Nevada

Little A'Le'Inn

An eatery for UFO seekers on the Extraterrestrial Highway.
Leland, Mississippi

Birthplace of Kermit the Frog

A Muppet museum in small-town Mississippi honors the roots of Jim Henson's most beloved creation.
Oxford, Mississippi

Rowan Oak

William Faulkner kept his beloved estate wild and untamed.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Marjorie McNeely Conservatory (Como Park)

Home to the Amorphophallus titanum "Corpse Flower," which is among the largest flowers in the world and also smells powerfully of rotting flesh when in bloom.
Hell, Michigan

Hell, Michigan

Hell on Earth is actually a small town in Michigan where anyone can be mayor for a day.
Berlin, Maryland

Assateague Island

The land is home to swimming ponies and a legendary 18th-century treasure.
Bethel, Maine

World Traveler Signpost

Turns out you can see the world without ever leaving Maine.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.