milcery's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Danvers, Massachusetts

Rebecca Nurse Homestead and Graveyard

This historic graveyard monument is dedicated to a tragic victim of witch trial hysteria.
Boston, Massachusetts

Steinert Hall

The former locus of Boston's high culture has been shuttered and buried for over 70 years.
Salem, Massachusetts

Witch Dungeon Museum

Experience the hysteria of a 17th century witch hunt through goofy reenactments and wax dummies that should probably be burned at the stake.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lucy Parsons Center

Radical Bookstore and Community Space.
Boston, Massachusetts

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (The Gardner)

Two thousand artifacts from around the world collected by one woman who loved to travel.
Boston, Massachusetts

Forest Hills Cemetery

A beautiful Victorian-era cemetery, complete with a miniature village.
Royalton, Vermont

Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial

An obelisk marks the farmhouse where the founder of Mormonism was born.
Brattleboro, Vermont

Estey Organ Museum

Play everything you see at a museum dedicated to a town's historic organ industry.
Richmond, Vermont

Old Round Church

This rare polygonal meeting house is rumored to be built in a circle so that the devil has nowhere to hide.