miramarco's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Niš, Serbia
Places visited in Postojna, Slovenia
Places visited in Kruševac, Serbia
Places added to Milan, Italy
Places edited in Utrecht, Netherlands
Places added to Utrecht, Netherlands
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Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt Wishing Wells

Carved fountains poignantly placed in parks and in front of special monuments.
Frankfurt, Germany

Eiserner Steg (Iron Bridge)

Fantastic views and thousands of love locks.
Cologne, Germany

Cologne's Love Locks Bridge

Thousands of tourists and residents in Cologne affix "love padlocks" on the Hohenzollernbrücke Bridge to symbolize their affections.
Karlsruhe, Germany

Platz der Grundrechte (Square of Fundamental Rights)

A thought-provoking outdoor art installation sits in the seat of German law.
Verona, Italy

Scaliger Tombs

These elaborate gothic monuments honor Verona's medieval lords.
Verona, Italy

Castelvecchio Museum

This medieval castle was reconstructed by Carlo Scarpa.
Milan, Italy

Case a Igloo

In the 1940s, Italian architect Mario Cavallè built a dozen of these round homes in northern Milan.
Groningen, Netherlands

Groningen University Museum

Preserving the research tools, unexpected inventions, and odd collections of generations of college professors.
Turin, Italy

Egyptian Museum of Turin

One of the oldest and most significant collections of Ancient Egyptian archeology outside of Egypt.
Mantua, Italy

Rotonda di San Lorenzo

The oldest church in Mantua was buried for centuries under the facades of other structures.
Mantua, Italy

Basilica di Sant'Andrea

It took more than 300 years to build this church, which is home to two sacred vessels believed to hold the blood of Christ.
Toronto, Ontario

Gordo the Barosaurus

Canada's largest dinosaur skeleton was hidden away in storage for more than 40 years.
Milan, Italy

Torre Velasca (Velasca Tower)

A brutalist gem towering over the heart of Milan.
Rome, Italy

The Water Clock

This hydrochronometer was invented by a Dominican monk and is a prime feature in this garden.
Milan, Italy

Monumental Cemetery of Milan

Artistic tombs, monuments, and a beautiful "Hall of Fame" lurk inside this cemetery.
Rome, Italy

Pons Aemilius

The only remaining arch of the oldest stone bridge in Rome stands in the middle of the Tiber.
Venice, Italy

Ponte delle Tette

In the past, Renaissance sex workers were encouraged to entice customers on this bridge.
Bologna, Italy

Bologna Centrale Station Clock

Time has been frozen at this station since the bombing in 1980—or so it was believed.
Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Ponte degli Alpini

Destroyed numerous times, this centuries-old bridge has always been rebuilt with its original design.
Paris, France

The Bouquinistes of Paris

The tradition of open-air secondhand and antiquarian bookselling in Paris dates back to the Renaissance.
Milan, Italy

Bar Luce

A Milanese café entirely designed by the American director Wes Anderson.
Padua, Italy

Capital Without Column

Something's missing between the arcades of the Palazzo della Ragione in "the city of the three withouts."
Barcelona, Spain

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista

The largest Art Nouveau complex in the world is a Barcelona hospital with a 600-year-long history.
London, England

Carting Lane Sewer Lamp

The pretty iron lamp is a reminder of the architecture underneath London's streets.