miryjo3's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Liverpool, England

William MacKenzie's Tomb

Pyramid shaped monument with a tall tale attached.
Wiltshire, England

Barbury Castle

This strategically placed hill fort has served defensive forces from the Iron Age up until the 20th century.
Alrewas, England

'Shot at Dawn' at the National Memorial Arboretum

In an arboretum with hundreds of memorials to the fallen, this one might be the most poignant.
Liverpool, England

The Archer Stone

Prehistoric sandstone menhir with Early Bronze Age cup and ring markings, also known as Robin Hood's Stone.
Maidstone, England

Maidstone Mummy

This 2,700-year-old woman is the jewel of the Maidstone Museum's Egyptian collection.
Gosport, England

HMS Alliance Submarine Museum

This colossal war machine is now a living museum dedicated to underwater warfare.
London, England

Former Decca Studios

This studio was home to David Bowie's first single, even if it did turn away the Beatles.
Llanymynech, England


A small village in two different countries.
Whitby, England

Whitby Whale Bone Arch

These 20-foot jaw bones honor a time when the leviathan bones were a sign that whalers survived the hunt.
London, England

Kennel Club Library

The canine-themed book collection claims to be Europe's largest dog library.
London, England

Euston's Lost Tunnels

A network of concealed passageways lies within a busy London Underground station.
Guildford, England

Guildford Medieval Synagogue

The remains of the oldest synagogue in Britain lay forgotten for seven centuries, hidden under a humble shop.
East Molesey, England

Anne Boleyn's Gateway

Carved initials which are nearly 500 years old preserve the deposed Queen's presence at Hampton Court Palace.
London, England

'Great Dangaroo Flood'

On a wall in linear London, a plaque hangs at the high water mark of one of the worst floods in fictional Kcymaerxthaereal times.
Reading, England

Cole Museum of Zoology

This natural history collection contains the bones of a circus elephant that seem to be chasing a whale skeleton.
Exeter, England

Parliament Street

At just 25 inches at its narrowest point, it's one of the tightest streets in the world.
London, England

Premises Studio Music Studios and Cafe

London's most popular recording studio, located in the capital's East End, runs partly on solar power and has played host to some of the world's biggest acts.
Bristol, England

Clifton Rocks Railway

The abandoned funicular tunnel was a secret base for the BBC during World War II.
Toxteth, England

The Ancient Chapel of Toxteth

17th century puritan church with connections to the Salem Witch Trials.
Bingley, England

Cottingley Beck

The photographs of "fairies" that fooled much of the world (including the creator of Sherlock Homes) were taken at this English stream.
Upper Heyford, England

RAF Upper Heyford

A rotting air force base is now home to rare birds and scarce plants.
Liverpool, England

The Law Oak

A thousand year old oak tree survives in Liverpool.
Harrogate, England

Old Swan Hotel

Where Agatha Christie mysteriously disappeared in 1926.
Swindon, England

Britain's Secret Underground Bunkers

There are hundreds of secret WWII bases hidden in British forests. Built to fight a Nazi invasion, they remained unknown for decades.