miryjo3's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wiltshire, England

The Skeletons of Stonehenge

Ancient human remains unearthed around the iconic monument.
Birkenhead, England


After mysteriously refusing to surrender at the end of World War II this sunken submarine was only salvaged in a search for Nazi gold.
York, England

York Cold War Bunker

This disused Cold War bunker has been restored to all of its early 60s glory.
London, England

36 Blythe Road

Where Aleister Crowley attempted to seize the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in a mask and a kilt.
Northchurch, England

Grave of Peter, the Wild Boy of Hanover

"The Most Wonderful Wonder that ever appeared to the Wonder of the British Nation."
London, England

Dirac Equation

The "beautiful" equation predicting the movement of all electromagnetic particles is engraved in front of Newton's tomb.
London, England

Monument to the Unknown Artist

The London statue that imitates passersby.
London, England

The Royal Philatelic Collection

The British monarchy's stamp collection is one of the most impressive in all of Europe revealing generations of royal nerdery.
Cambridge, England

The Eagle

The Cambridge pub where Francis Crick announced that he and James Watson had discovered the DNA double-helix.
Oxford, England

Annora's Tomb

The weathered grave of a medieval anchoress who walled herself up in a cell attached to a church.
London, England

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Children's hospital in London that operates on royalties received from Peter Pan, which J.M. Barrie signed over in 1929.
Devon, England

Jay's Grave

This grave resides at the crossroad of three parishes.
Gotham, England

The Original Gotham

The storied English village that pretended to be insane inspired NYC's nickname and the fictional namesake in the DC Comics universe.
Tintagel, England

King Arthur's Hall

Part museum, part piece of Arthurian-inspired history, this stately hall attracts King Arthur fans from miles away.
Stoke Heath, England

The Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings

A slightly surreal menagerie of structures that were lovingly spared from demolition and reconstructed in a field.
Coventry, England

Spon Street

A preserved block of timber buildings from the city's industrial era in the Middle Ages.
Uxbridge, England

Battle Of Britain Bunker

Visit the WWII bunker where the British won the battle for the skies.
London, England

Signs of Old Lombard Street

The last four extravagant street signs of London's historic banking street.
Manchester, England

Alan Turing Memorial

Have a seat with the father of modern computing at this Manchester monument.
Kilpeck, England

Medieval Erotic Carvings at the Church of St Mary and St David

Beasts and branches swirl in sandstone carvings, interrupted by one strange creature.
Winchester, England

Winchester Round Table

A medieval replica of King Arthur's legendary table, the Round Table hanging in Winchester Castle was decorated by Henry VIII.
Hathersage, England

Little John's Grave

A headstone notes where the most famous of Robin Hood's legendary Merry Men is reportedly buried.
Whitby, England

Bram Stoker Memorial Seat

The view that inspired the scenes of Dracula's first landing in England.
Exeter, England

Exeter's Underground Passages

These medieval tunnels provided water to the city above through centuries of civil war and plague.