morningmyst2000's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara Electric Town

Once a black market electronics marketplace, now an otaku shopper's paradise.
Sasebo, Japan

Henn-Na Hotel

The world’s first hotel to be run by robots.
Tokyo, Japan

Ninja Akasaka

A restaurant modeled after feudal Japan, where the waitstaff are trained as ninjas.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Dome.
Ise, Japan

Meoto Iwa

This pair of small sea rocks has been "wed" using rope and ancient Shinto tradition.
Nagano, Japan

Nagano's Darkroom

This ancient temple is set up to take you on a pilgrimage of self.
Tokyo, Japan

Shakaden Reiyukai Temple

Starship-temple contains 400 tons of drinking water and offers free Japanese lessons.
Osaka, Japan

Asahi Plaza Capsule Hotel

One of the first hotel rooms in a pod.
Iwaizumi, Japan

Ryūsendō Cave

A massive cave complex boasts some of the clearest water (and most charming bats) in the world.
Iwakuni, Japan

Kintai Bridge

One of Japan's most famous sights, the bridge was originally built in 1673.
Kasukabe, Japan

G-Cans: the World's Largest Drain

The world's largest drain sits below the city of Kasukabe, Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Giant GUNDAM Robot

A 20-meter (65-foot) robot towers over Tokyo Bay.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima's Hypocenter

A plaque marks the site directly below the mid-air detonation of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima.
Tokyo, Japan


This Buddhist temple is home to the graves of the Japanese national legends, the 47 Ronin.
Hida, Japan


Enormous underground chamber built to detect 'ghost particles' of the universe.
Tsuruoka, Japan

Sokushinbutsu of Dainichibou Temple

The self-mummified monks of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan


The freshest fish here are the ones you catch yourself.
Kyoto, Japan


The quintessential Japanese rock garden has existed for more than 500 years.
Takehara, Japan


Japanese island famous for poison gas and fluffy bunnies.
Yokohama, Japan

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

This historical theme park celebrates all things noodle.
Yakushima, Japan

Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine

The magical, mossy forest that inspired Princess Mononoke.
Tokyo, Japan

Sanrio Puroland

If Hello Kitty were Mickey Mouse, this would be Disneyland.
Kyoto, Japan

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine

The 10,000 Torii shrine.
Nara, Japan

Tōdai-ji Daibutsuden (The Great Buddha Hall)

This massive wooden building contains a giant Buddha, healing pillars, and tame deer wandering the grounds.