mrbrettwjones's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Places visited in Bangor, Maine
Places visited in Buford, Wyoming
Places visited in Aspen, Colorado
Places visited in Detroit, Michigan
Places visited in Oakley, Kansas
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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Food Gatherers' Giant Carrots

The 10-foot-tall vegetables belong to Michigan’s first food rescue program.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Kerrytown Chime

Everyone's invited to put on a miniature concert with this world-class musical wonder.
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Trust Rotunda Building

Marvel at this turn-of-the-century masterpiece that has been turned into a rather stately supermarket.
Cleveland, Ohio

The Cleveland Arcade

Funded by John D. Rockefeller, this is one of the earliest, and most beautiful, shopping arcades in America.
Bay Village, Ohio

Porter Creek Bridge Ruins

The overgrown remains of an old rail bridge rise above the valley like ancient Greek ruins.
Willoughby Hills, Ohio

Squire's Castle

Ghost stories surrounded this “castle,” the only structure from a huge mansion that was never built.
Mentor, Ohio

Judy's Jungle

A fiberglass jungle, deep in the wilds of the Cleveland suburbs.
Willoughby, Ohio

The Girl in Blue

Solving a 60-year mystery finally gave a name to the young woman known only by the color of her clothes.
Euclid, Ohio

Hillandale Bridge

This abandoned bridge to nowhere stands secluded in the woods of a Cleveland suburb.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
Cleveland, Ohio

Jesse Owens Statue

A bronze monument to Cleveland's favorite, fastest son.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Erailen Gwome'

At Fountain and Division, in the shadow of Kendall College of Art and Design, lays the story of a fictional culture whose political system was used under license and who finally rebelled.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Forest's Rest'

On the right bank of the Grand River a plaque remembers an imaginary painter who once awaited his youth.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

White House Taping System

The origin of the Nixon tapes is rooted in technological incompetence as much as secrecy.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Tanglefoot Building

Where most of the world's flypaper was made.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Waiting for the Grwost'

Outside Grand Valley State University, you'll find a bench upon which many were said to have sat according to the fictional Kcymaerxthaere, waiting for a guide of time.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Handfuls of Small Stones'

In Grand Rapids, Michigan, a marker honors the creation story of a proud fictional culture.
Grand Rapids, Michigan


At HopCat, a marker honors fictional creatures with the ability to travel the missing dimensions of Kcymaerxthaere.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Fish Ladder Park

An angular maze of concrete in Grand Rapids acts both as public art and as a staircase for fish traveling upstream.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Steelcase Pyramid

One lonely, modern pyramid has gone from corporate think tank to deserted boondoggle.
Monticello, Utah

Church Rock

Oddly shaped rock formation, misassociated with a nearby utopian community.
Genola, Utah

Tintic Standard Reduction Mill

The remains of this early 20th century refinery loom on a mountainside like a graffiti-covered fortress.
Jackson, Michigan

Michigan Space and Science Center

Center filled with hands-on displays served as a tribute to several astronauts with connections to the state.
Onsted, Michigan

Prehistoric Forest Amusement Park

The remains of an abandoned dinosaur theme park litter the woods just off the highway.