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New York, New York

President Ulysses S. Grant's Tomb

Visit the monolithic tomb of America's most famous general.
Bronx, New York

Woodlawn Cemetery

The end of the 4 Line is also the end of the line for 300,000 souls in one of NYC's most illustrious cemeteries.
New York, New York

'Life Underground' Sculptures

An artist's cute bronze subway sculptures belie his violent artistic past.
New York, New York

Barthman's Sidewalk Clock

A clock set into the concrete outside a Manhattan jeweler has been telling time underfoot for over a century.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Townhouse Secret Subway Exit

This innocent-looking townhome is actually a subway exit.
New York, New York

Sidewalk Subway Map

Plot your trip through the city on the sidewalk.
New York, New York

New York Society Library

New York's oldest and possibly grandest keeper of books.
New York, New York

Private Passage

Wine bottle sculpture with a ship's stateroom inside.
New York, New York

Titanic Memorial

Manhattan's lighthouse, erected at the insistence of the unsinkable Molly Brown.
New York, New York

77 Water Street

A WWI fighter plane and turn-of-the-century penny candy shop are among the unexpected features of this Financial District building.
Bronx, New York

Edgar Allan Poe Cottage

The famous author's cottage hideaway.
New York, New York

Patent Pending

Nikola Tesla's former home contains an homage hidden from plain sight.
Staten Island, New York

Kreischer Mansion

This empty Victorian manse on Staten Island is said to be haunted but is actually a real life crime scene.
New York, New York

Statue of Liberty's Original Torch

Lady Liberty's first beacon of enlightenment is now displayed in a museum near the statue.
New York, New York

The Morris-Jumel Mansion

The oldest house in Manhattan is now a museum that remembers the home's sordid history of scandals, vice-presidents, and ghosts.
New York, New York

Pneumatic System of the New York Public Library

One of the last few places in Manhattan that employed a pneumatic systemic keeps it on display.
New York, New York

Jefferson Market Library

Named the fifth most beautiful building in America in 1885, this former courthouse boasts the best view in the Village.
New York, New York

The Manhattan Well Murder

A dark, dank room in subterranean Manhattan was the site of a ghastly murder.
Queens, New York

Houdini's Grave

The final resting place of the great escape artist, where some still gather to wait for his escape from death.
New York, New York

Yonah Schimmel's Knish Bakery

Love, knishes, and best wishes from this legendary Lower East Side bakery.
New York, New York

Brooklyn Bridge Love Locks

A popular European tradition makes its way to the states on one of America's most famous bridges.
Woodstock, New York

Overlook Mountain House Ruins

A once grand hotel is being retaken by the wilderness it once capitalized on.
New York, New York

The White Horse Tavern

Great place to have a drink and a bite to eat in an atmosphere laden with New York's Bohemian past.
New York, New York

REACH: New York

Hidden in plain sight on a pair of Manhattan subway tunnels are a pair of public instruments that sing to each other.