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Places visited in Isle of Anglesey, Wales
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Wimborne Minster, England

Wimborne Minster Chained Library

The second largest surviving chained library is housed in this 12th century church.
Winchester, England

Winchester Round Table

A medieval replica of King Arthur's legendary table, the Round Table hanging in Winchester Castle was decorated by Henry VIII.
West Wycombe, England

Hellfire Caves

Human-made caves excavated to hide a secret society of wealthy pagans.
Cricket Saint Thomas, England

Mr. Blobby's House

The mouldering remains of a disgraced British children's icon are hidden in the brush of a public park.
Wheatley, England

Wheatley Lock-Up

Over 100 years ago this pyramidal holding cell was reserved for rowdy drunks but now only offers five minute sentences.
Oxford, England

Annora's Tomb

The weathered grave of a medieval anchoress who walled herself up in a cell attached to a church.
Coventry, England

Coventry Cathedral Ruins

The bombed out remains of the old church were kept intact next to the new one, as a reminder of the futility of war.
Coventry, England

Ruins of St. Mary's Priory Cathedral

All that remains of the only English cathedral destroyed in the Protestant Reformation.
Coventry, England

St. Mary's Guildhall

Built in the 1300s, this magnificent building that hosted England's kings and queens transports you to the Middle Ages.
Coventry, England

'Coventry Doom'

This amazing 15th-century mural remained hidden in plain sight for centuries.
Coventry, England

Remains of the Whitefriars Friary

The historic site where Queen Elizabeth I once gave a searing speech.
Coventry, England

Ford's Hospital

For over 500 years this timbered alms house has provided a home for elderly residents of Coventry.
Coventry, England

Cheylesmore Manor Gatehouse

All that remains of the medieval palace of the famous "Black Prince."
Coventry, England

Spon Street

A preserved block of timber buildings from the city's industrial era in the Middle Ages.
Kenilworth, England

Kenilworth Castle

This ruined medieval castle was the scene of Lord Robert Dudley’s seductive reception for Queen Elizabeth I.
Birmingham, England

Blakesley Hall

Some wattle-and-daub, a Moorish mural, a glacial erratic, and a Giant named Gilbert.
Caynton, England

Caynton Caves

This mysterious underground cave in Shropshire dates back to the 18th or 19th century.
Swindon, England

Britain's Secret Underground Bunkers

There are hundreds of secret WWII bases hidden in British forests. Built to fight a Nazi invasion, they remained unknown for decades.
Worcestershire, England

Harvington Hall

Built by the patron saint of illusionists this Elizabethan manor house is riddled with secret cubbies for hiding priests.
Box, England

Box Tunnel Entrance

The designer of this railway tunnel added a birthday present for himself.
Chedglow, England

Colin's Barn

Colin Stokes "got a bit carried away" and built a castle that looks like something out of Tolkien.
Worcester, England

George Marshall Medical Museum

Quaint, disturbing, and macabre objects are all on display at this intriguing collection of medical instruments from bygone eras.
Bristol, England

Blaise Hamlet

A quaint hamlet of nine cottages around a small green near Blaise castle.
Bridgend, Wales

St. John's House

This 500-year-old Tudor home is a treasure trove of history and mystery.