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Metepec, Mexico

Museo del Barro (Museum of Clay)

A collection of incredible clay crafts, complete with earthen skeletons and mermaids.
Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Isla Mujeres Sea-View Cemetery

An island graveyard with spectacular views of the Caribbean.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Guadalupano (Virgin of Guadalupe Museum)

The unique collection of gifts includes braids of human hair, a spoon, and a Virgin made of bread.
Mexico City, Mexico

Biblioteca Miguel Lerdo de Tejada

Psychedelic murals coat the inside of a nondescript research library.
Pomuch, Mexico

Pomuch Cemetery

Once a year in Pomuch, the dead are taken out for a cleaning.
Santa Ana Chapitiro, Mexico

Temple of Santa Muerte

This church devoted to Mexico's "dead saint" is a festive celebration of a formerly hidden religious figure.
Mexico City, Mexico

'El Vochol'

A Volkswagen Beetle decorated with millions of beads connects Mexico's past and future.
Mexico City, Mexico

Death Mask of Pakal the Great

The striking jade death mask of an ancient Maya king is displayed in a replica tomb in Mexico City.
León, Mexico

Catacombs at Templo Expiatorio

A neo-Gothic temple in central Mexico featuring a labyrinthine network of crypts.
Taxco, Mexico

Casa Figueroa

This "cursed house" features secret rooms, hidden vaults, and dark escape tunnels.
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico

Mexicable Cable Car

Mexico's first public cable car soars over the congested streets outside Mexico City.
Chihuahua, Mexico

La Pascualita

This 80-year old mannequin is so lifelike it is believed to be an embalmed corpse.
Guanajuato, Mexico

House of Laments

Kitschy horror displays now fill the house where some very real serial killing took place.
Valladolid, Mexico

Cenote Zací

If you can look past the nearby sewer pipes, this urban sinkhole grotto is a mini-paradise.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cine Ópera

This crumbling Art Deco movie palace in Mexico City has been abandoned for two decades.
Puebla, Mexico

Rosary Chapel

The splendor of this 17th century golden chapel has led it to be called the "eighth wonder of the world."
Mexico City, Mexico

Skull Rack of the Great Temple

A disquieting Aztec sculpture displays hundreds of stone skulls representing the victims of human sacrifice.
Tulum, Mexico

Pet Cemetery Cenote

An ancient system of freshwater caves filled with animal bones, including that of species long-extinct.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo del Juguete Antiguo México

Visiting this cacophonous collection of vintage novelties is like stepping into the mind of a crazed toymaker.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Mummies at Museo de El Carmen

Twelve natural mummies are displayed in the crypt of this former monastery school.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado de Sonora

Superstitious? Discover the witchy side of Mexico through its largest esoteric market.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa Azul

Frida Kahlo's childhood home, now a museum of her life and works.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls)

An island filled with hundreds of hanging, decomposing, decapitated dolls.
Jatinga, India

Jatinga Bird Deaths

A small village in India bears witness to the end of birds' lives every September.