pamelajoon's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Tower of London's Ceremony of the Keys

The ritual has been performed uninterrupted for nearly 700 years.
Tokyo, Japan

Hachikō's Grave

People from around the world visit the shrine of Japan’s legendarily loyal dog.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company

One of the oldest producers of hand-folded fortune cookies still uses its original secret recipe.
Bolzano, Italy

Ötzi the Iceman

Europe’s oldest natural human mummy.
Naples, Italy

Naples Underground

A labyrinth of ancient tunnels hidden below the city holds the ruins of 2,500 years of history.
Vernazza, Italy

Cinque Terre

Five candy-colored villages on the Italian Riviera.
London, England

London's Original and All-Inspiring Coffee House

The site of London's first coffee house has been serving refreshments of one kind or another for 360 years.
London, England

The King's Cross Ice Well

A subterranean ice warehouse that has lain hidden beneath central London for over a century is now open to the public.
Tallahassee, Florida

9/11 Whale Sculptures

One man's grief over the national tragedy has manifested in a pod of homemade whales on his front lawn.
Savigny-lès-Beaune, France

Château de Savigny-lès-Beaune

This French chateau is home to the world’s largest private collection of fighter jets.
San Francisco, California


This Japanese treats shop may have been the first business to mass-produce fortune cookies in the United States.
Tolochenaz, Switzerland

Audrey Hepburn’s Grave

The immortal Hollywood star rests in peace in an unassuming Swiss village cemetery.
Washington, D.C.

National Capitol Columns

The United States Capitol's former columns still stand.
Schwyz, Switzerland

Stoosbahn Funicular

The steepest classic funicular in the world glides along a dizzying incline.
Palm Beach, Florida

Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea

The oldest house of worship in Palm Beach has a wonderful tropical garden.
Logan, Ohio

The Caves of Hocking Hills State Park

Rare recess caves fill this unbelievably beautiful Ohio park.
Waco, Texas

Dr Pepper Museum

Housed in a century-old building, this museum's dedicated not just to soft drinks, but to the free enterprise system.
Asheville, North Carolina

Helen's Bridge

This bridge is haunted by the ghost of a distraught mother.
Wilson, North Carolina

Whirligig Park (Formerly Acid Park)

A piece of outsider public art accompanied by a strange urban legend.
Hendersonville, North Carolina

Blue Ghost Fireflies

These eerie outliers of the lightning bug family glow a mysterious blue color.
Key West, Florida

Key West Cemetery

The island residents are known for taking their quirky sense of humor with them to the grave.
Key West, Florida

The Conch Republic

"We Seceded Where Others Failed."
Key West, Florida

Pan Am's First Office

The birthplace of American international flight service has been turned into a celebrity's microbrewery.
White Springs, Florida

White Sulfur Springs Ruins

The abandoned bathhouse is all that remains of the hot springs considered Florida's original tourist attraction.