pasharp1031's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Berkeley Heights, New Jersey

The Deserted Village of Feltville

This tiny New Jersey village has lived many lives but seems determined to remain a ghost town.
Sparta, Wisconsin

FAST Fiberglass Mold Graveyard

These molds for fiberglass statues have formed an eerie, accidental sculpture park.
Keenesburg, Colorado

The Wild Animal Sanctuary

The world's largest carnivore sanctuary is home to over 450 meat-eating rescues.
Key Biscayne, Florida

Miami Marine Stadium

An abandoned water sports stadium that has become a haven for graffiti and decay.
Winslow, Arizona

Two Guns

The story of Two Guns, Arizona could easily be described as a Shakespearian tragedy on Route 66.
New York, New York

Abandoned 18th Street Subway Station

This abandoned subway station can still be seen on regular commuter trips.
Fayetteville, West Virginia

New River Gorge Bridge

One day a year it is legal to jump off of this astoundingly tall bridge that spans an Appalachian gorge.
Herriman, Utah

The "Up" House

A replica that won't float away.
Villisca, Iowa

Villisca Axe Murder House

A number of gruesome unsolved murders have turned this simple home into a morbid tourist trap.
Chicago, Illinois

Damen Silos

These abandoned grain silos and tunnels are an urban exploration dream.
Allenwood, Pennsylvania

Bunkers of Alvira

Over 100 concrete munitions bunkers are all that remain of a Pennsylvanian village seized by the US government.
Wendover, Utah

Sun Tunnels

A sculpture for the sun and stars, created by Nancy Holt.
Richmond, Virginia

The Grand Kugel

This 29-ton granite ball spins around at the slightest touch thanks to a scientific phenomenon.
Detroit, Michigan

St. Agnes Church and School

This Detroit ruin was once a gothic bastion of its community, but now it stands as a haunting ruin.
Rockport, Washington

Ladder Creek Falls and Gardens

The illuminated falls are a gem in North Cascades National Park.
Wilson, North Carolina

Whirligig Park (Formerly Acid Park)

A piece of outsider public art accompanied by a strange urban legend.
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Longwood Gardens

This palatial botanical garden is home to one of the largest pipe organs ever installed in a private residence, and a piece of Wood's cycad.
Hinckley, Ohio

Worden's Ledges

Faces carved into the cliffs create an otherworldly walking trail.
Gloucester Courthouse, Virginia

The Rosewell Plantation Ruins

This once-palatial plantation may have been the site where a draft of the Declaration of Independence was written.
Radford, Virginia

St. Albans Sanatorium

Paranormal investigators claim this abandoned asylum is the most haunted spot in the eastern U.S.
Banning, California

The Museum of Pinball

The biggest pinball arcade in the world has over 600 pinball machines, and 300 arcade machines.
Fredericksburg, Texas

Enchanted Rock

An enormous pink granite batholith, long attributed with spiritual powers by the Tonkawa Indians.
Chicago, Illinois

Wooden Block Alley

All of Chicago's wood-paved streets are long gone but two alleys remain.
Bellville, Texas

Newman's Castle

A medieval castle in the middle of rural Texas.