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Places visited in Glenfinnan, Scotland
Places visited in Orkney, Scotland
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Highland, Scotland

Well of the Seven Heads

This macabre monument atop an ancient well gives a nod to a brutal episode in Scottish clan history.
Pittenweem, Scotland

St. Fillan's Cave

This tiny little cave was said to have been a refuge for a saint with a glowing arm.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Lauriston Castle

This allegedly haunted 16th-century tower house-turned-museum exhibits thousands of spectacular objects.
East Ayrshire, Scotland

Scottish Dark Sky Observatory

This observatory within Europe's first dark sky park offers stunning views of the night sky.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Puck's Glen

This ethereal, rainforest-like gorge is home to waterfalls, quaint bridges, and fairy folk.
Dunure, Scotland

Dunure Labyrinth

This modern labyrinth lies in the shadow of a ruined medieval castle.
Fortingall, Scotland

The Fortingall Yew

Possibly the oldest living thing in Europe, more likely a pagan survivor.
Perth and Kinross, Scotland

Tomnadashan Mine

Monty Python fans will recognize this abandoned mine as the Cave of the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.
East Lothian, Scotland

Yester Castle

Ruined castle with subterranean vaulted Goblin Ha' or "Goblin Hall."
Wilkieston, Scotland

Jupiter Artland

Large-scale contemporary artworks tower over fields and lurk in forests around a Jacobean manor house.
Scottish Borders, Scotland

Scott's View

This picturesque view of the Scottish Borders was beloved by Sir Walter Scott.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Isle of Skye Dinosaur Tracks

On this stunning Scottish island, you can walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Balloch Park Fairy Trail

A local tree surgeon has created a whimsical walk full of carved tree stumps near Scotland's Loch Lomond.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witchery

Near the former site of numerous witch burnings, this lavish Edinburgh mainstay pays homage to Scotland's brutal history.
Dunino, Scotland

Dunino Den

A site of pagan worship which still attracts people looking for fairies.
Dunbar, Scotland

Belhaven Bridge

At high tide this strange footbridge appears to have no purpose whatsoever.
Highland, Scotland

Ben Nevis

The highest peak in the United Kingdom has a history of physics, specters, and a pilgrimage of strange objects.
Glasgow, Scotland

Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre

The elaborate clockwork contraptions in this Scottish gallery create small worlds of whimsy and horror.
Craighat, Scotland

Devil's Pulpit

A strange rock with a sinister reputation lurks within the crimson waters of this Scottish glen.
Holywood, Scotland

Garden of Cosmic Speculation

A 30-acre garden inspired by the principles of modern physics.
Paisley, Scotland

'Alien' Gargoyle

A familiar otherworldly creature guards this 12th-century Scottish abbey.
Eyemouth, Scotland

'Widows and Bairns'

A poignant memorial shows the widows and children left heartbroken by the worst fishing disaster in Scottish history.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Kildalton Cross

This 1,300-year-old marker is one of the finest and most complete early Christian crosses in Scotland.
East Lothian, Scotland

Bass Rock

This tiny island is home to the world's largest colony of Northern gannets.