photojourneys's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in A Coruña, Spain
Places visited in Lemgo, Germany
Places visited in Walbrzych, Poland
Places visited in Oranienburg, Germany
Places visited in Heuvelland, Belgium
Places visited in Trutnov, Czechia
Places visited in Kladno, Czechia
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Sierpnica, Poland

Podziemne Miasto Osówka

An extensive network of secret tunnels was created for the Nazi project "Riese."
Reims, France

The School Where Germany Surrendered

This small red school was where Germany signed their surrender during WWII.
Neuvy-Deux-Clochers, France

Jean Linard's Sculpture Garden

A garden of massive sculptures sits in Jean Lindard's backyard.
Saint-Pierre-Colamine, France

Jonas Caves

A cave dwelling that was started by the Celts, expanded by monks, and finished by knights.
Saint-Geniez-ô-Merle, France

Towers of Merle

Explore an eerie, abandoned medieval citadel.
Padirac, France

Le Gouffre de Padirac (Padirac Cave)

This impressive chasm is one of the longest natural underground cavities in the world.
Conques, France

St. Foy’s Golden Reliquary

The huge golden reliquary of a testicle-smashing saint.
Albi, France

Albi Cathedral

A medieval church with largest and oldest collection of Renaissance frescoes in France.
Lacrouzette, France

Goose Rock

A precariously balanced goose-shaped boulder with a dark legend.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
Vals, France

Église Notre-Dame de Vals (Church of Our Lady of Vals)

A medieval church built into an ancient cave.
Nébias, France

Labyrinthe Vert de Nebias

Green labyrinth formed by a karstic maze hidden in a preserved oak forest.
Bélesta, France

Fontaine Intermittente de Fontestorbes

Every half hour, the flow of this unusual spring cycles between a rush of water and barely a trickle.
Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via, France

Odeillo Solar Furnace

The world's largest solar furnace uses 10,000 mirrors to concentrate the sun's rays to generate power.
Santa Pau, Spain

Hermitage of Santa Margarita Crater

Religious dwelling in a Spanish volcano.
Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain

Castellfollit de la Roca

Village situated on a narrow volcanic escarpment.
Argelaguer, Spain

Parc Garrell

Wonderland replication in progress by one persistent man.
Porqueres, Spain

Bosc de Can Ginebreda

A darkly erotic open-air statuary in Catalonia.
La Pera, Spain

The Gala Dalí Castle

Of course Salvador Dalí lived in a castle...
Les Fonts, Spain

Les Fonts Castle

This imposing modern citadel started out as a home renovation project.
Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Spain

Castillo Torre Salvana

The abandoned ruins of a beautiful medieval castle just outside Barcelona.
Sant Pere de Ribes, Spain

Autódromo de Sitges-Terramar

This abandoned racetrack looks like it is set to hold competitions in the apocalypse.
L'Arboç, Spain

La Giralda de L’Arboç

Replica of Seville, Spains famous Giralda, a former minaret converted into a bell tower.
Calafell, Spain

Iberian Citadel of Calafell

Experience this Iron Age village the way that its original residents would have.