PluckyDarling's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Jerome, Arizona
Places visited in Monroe, Connecticut
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Koloa, Hawaii

Spouting Horn

This blowhole is supposedly caused by a trapped monster.
Eleele, Hawaii

Kauai Glass Beach

This industrial area was the dumping ground for massive amounts of trash, some of which washes up as tiny bits of sea glass.
Kapaʻa, Hawaii

Kapa’a Japanese Stone Lantern

This monument built by Japanese American immigrants spent decades underground.
Kapaʻa, Hawaii

Moikeha Canal Bridge

Now a pedestrian bridge, this was once part of a narrow-gauge railroad that ran along the east coast of Kauai.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Rapid City Presidents

Every president in history is immortalized in bronze in downtown Rapid City.
Annapolis, Maryland

Kunta Kinte - Alex Haley Memorial

This statue honors the author's groundbreaking family story.
Key West, Florida

Captain Tony's Saloon

Florida's oldest bar was once a morgue, complete with a hanging tree and gravestones.
Key West, Florida

Southernmost Point of the Continental U.S.

A monument celebrating the idea of reaching inaccessible places.
Agios Tychon, Cyprus

Ancient Sex Curse of Cyprus

Sex curse discovered on ancient tablet in Cyprus.
Lagoudera, Cyprus

Panagia tu Araka

Breathtaking Byzantine paintings cover the inside of this 12th-century church.
Egkomi, Cyprus

Nicosia International Airport

This former Cyprus flight hub is now a crumbling, abandoned ghost complex.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Chichen Itza Chirp

Clap your hands at the base of the pyramid, and the song of a sacred Mayan bird will echo through the air.
Xcalacoop, Mexico

Cenote Ik-Kil

A magical sinkhole on the Yucatán Peninsula is adorned with mini waterfalls and hanging vines.
St. Louis, Missouri

1904 World's Fair Flight Cage

What was meant to be a temporary exhibit is now a permanent fixture at the St. Louis Zoo filled with beautiful birds.
St. Louis, Missouri

Venice Cafe

This mosaic-covered bar is brimming with curated curios.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
Los Angeles, California

The Museum of Death

World's largest collection of serial killer artwork and other macabre exhibits.
Los Angeles, California

Highland Park Bowl

L.A.'s oldest operating bowling alley is a beautifully restored homage to its speakeasy days.
Los Angeles, California

Space Shuttle Endeavour

The final resting place of a space program monolith.
Tombstone, Arizona

The Bird Cage Theater

An old saloon in the West filled with history, and according to some, a few dozen ghosts.
Bisbee, Arizona

Erie Street, Historic Lowell

A living snapshot of a different time in America is preserved and maintained by a community of volunteers.
Bisbee, Arizona

Lavender Pit

This open-pit mine is now an abandoned symbol of Bisbee's copper-mining heritage.
Bisbee, Arizona

Copper Queen Hotel

This Old West hotel, the longest in continuous operation in the state of Arizona, is claimed to be haunted.
Jensen, Utah

Quarry Exhibit Hall

Inside this striking glass building, visitors can see thousands of dinosaur fossils in the positions that nature deposited them more than 150 million years ago.