pseaberg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Reims, France
Places visited in Agion Oros, Greece
Places edited in Staten Island, New York
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Brooklyn, New York

The Brooklyn Visitation Monastery

A working monastery hidden away in Brooklyn once abutted the location of a former inebriate's home.
Brooklyn, New York

Captain America Statue

A one-ton statue of Steve Rogers beautifies the entry to a Brooklyn Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Brooklyn, New York

Gottlieb's Restaurant

One of the few Glatt kosher delis in the United States is a cornerstone of its Hasidic neighborhood.
Chicago, Illinois

Quimby's Bookstore

The beloved home to all publications indie, erotic, and punky.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
Stowe, Vermont

Trapp Family Lodge

Vermont's hills are alive with the sound of music at this historic hotel.
Stowe, Vermont

Mount Mansfield

The highest peak in the state of Vermont has some interesting features.
Waterbury, Vermont

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

The sweetest graveyard in the world is filled with headstones for dearly de-pinted ice cream flavors.
New York, New York

Ear Inn

One of the city’s oldest watering holes was originally the home of a famous James Brown (not that one).
New York, New York

Macy's Wooden Escalators

A bit of retro transportation flair preserved in the world's largest department store.
New York, New York

Gimbel's Bridge

A three-story copper skybridge connects two Manhattan buildings with Art Deco luxury.
New York, New York

Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloisters

Mysterious 500-year-old tapestries depict a unicorn hunt.
New York, New York

Preserved Remnants of 17th Century New York

Under a glass sidewalk lie the remains of some of Manhattan's oldest buildings.
Staten Island, New York

Todt Hill

The highest natural point in New York City and all of the Atlantic coastal plain.
Staten Island, New York

Sleight Family Graveyard

The final resting place of some of Staten Island's earliest settlers and their descendants.
Staten Island, New York

Silver Lake Park

Staten Island's original central park is the former home of the city water supply as well as thousands of immigrant graves.
Staten Island, New York

Alice Austen House

The pioneering photographer's prints are immortalized inside her childhood home.
Staten Island, New York

Conference House

During the American Revolution, this mansion hosted failed peace talks between the British and Americans.
Staten Island, New York

Historic Richmond Town

A town trapped in time - 1958 to be exact.
Staten Island, New York

Holtermann's Bakery

In the middle of suburban Staten Island, a nearly 150-year-old bakery is preserving the art of a disappearing New York treat.
Staten Island, New York

New York Chinese Scholar's Garden

This small and serene place for quiet reflection on Staten Island was built in China based on the gardens of the Ming Dynasty.
Brooklyn, New York

John Paul Jones Park's Rodman Gun

The rare American Civil War-era weapon was never fired in anger.
Brooklyn, New York

Smith-9 Street Station

The highest rapid transit station in the world.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Daily Eagle's Eagle

This metal eagle one of the final remnants of a newspaper that wanted to keep Brooklyn to Brooklyn.