racheldaniellefleming's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Isola San Giulio, Italy

Isola San Giulio

A fairytale island floats in the middle of Italy's little-known Lake Orta.
Florence, Italy

Il Porcellino

This bronze boar's snout has been rubbed to a golden sheen by visitors seeking good fortune.
Venice, Italy

Lazzaretto Nuovo

The plague quarantine island home to the alleged "Vampire of Venice."
Rome, Italy

Metropoliz Museum of the Other and the Elsewhere

An abandoned Roman salami factory has found new life as an art space home to 200 squatters.
Soriano nel Cimino, Italy

Etruscan Pyramid of Bomarzo

This ancient altar emerges from the thick forests to reveal the mysteries of Etruscan sacrificial rituals.
Carrara, Italy

Cava Museo

Explore the quarry where the marble was sourced for Michaelangelo's David.
Villaggio Monte Busca, Italy

Monte Busca Volcano

This natural gas vent certainly earns its name as the smallest volcano in Italy.
Venice, Italy

Squero di San Trovaso

Where Venice's gondolas go for a tune-up.
Bologna, Italy

Anatomical Theatre of the Archiginnasio

In the world's oldest university is a stunning 17th century anatomical theater carved from spruce.
Naples, Italy

Birthplace of the Pizza Margherita Plaque

A popular legend claims that the famous pizza was invented at a restaurant in this alley.
Rome, Italy

Elephant and Obelisk

A detailed pachyderm supports Rome's smallest Egyptian obelisk.
Borgo Valsugana, Italy

Arte Sella

An open-air museum in a mountain valley features works designed to blend in with—and disintegrate back into—their natural surroundings.
Rome, Italy

Mercatus Traiani (Trajan's Market)

This ancient market is often referred to as the oldest shopping mall in the world.
Florence, Italy

Gipsoteca Bartolini

A slightly creepy gallery of plaster cast models in the same museum as Michelangelo's David.
Pompeii, Italy

Stone Phalluses of Pompeii

The walls and streets of the ancient city are peppered with penises.
Rome, Italy

Vespa Museum

This subterranean shrine beneath a bike rental store celebrates the iconic Italian scooter.
Stromboli, Italy

Stromboli Island

A volcanic old faithful, Stromboli has been erupting continuously for the last 2000 years.
Padua, Italy

Palazzo del Bo Anatomical Theater

The world's oldest surviving anatomical theater, where "the dead are pleased to help the living."
Atrani, Italy


This seaside Italian village doesn't just look Escher-esque, it actually inspired the mind-bending artist.
Pozzuoli, Italy

Phlegraean Fields

A sulfuric hellscape in southern Italy.
Venice, Italy

Scuola Grande di San Marco

The marble facade hides a little-known medical museum with early surgical instruments and rare copies of canonical texts.
Langhirano, Italy

Museum of Prosciutto di Parma

Ham is serious business at the Prosciutto Museum-Serious, delicious business.
Bologna, Italy

Finestrella di Via Piella

A small window on Via Piella offers a lovely and rare peek at Bologna's lost canals.
Florence, Italy

Museo Opificio delle Pietre Dure

Overlooked amid the tourist bustle of Florence, this museum is dedicated to the craft of stone inlay.