RebeccaB11's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Barcelona, Spain

Monasterio de Pedralbes

Occupied for six centuries by Franciscan Order nuns, this monastery is an amazing ode to Catalán Gothic architecture.
Middleton, Wisconsin

National Mustard Museum

More than 5,000 contemporary and "historic" mustards from around the world.
Beveren, Belgium

The Doomed City of Doel

This ghost town in Belgium will lose its street art when it ceases to exist.
Mount Creighton, New Zealand

Little Paradise Lodge

A lakeside garden in the Southern Alps full of whimsical artwork and thousands of beautiful flowers.

The Autograph Tree

This Copper beech tree nestled on a nature reserve is host to a bevy of autographs from Irish literary icons.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Trundle Manor: House of Oddities

House of vintage taxidermy and Steampunk sculptures in a quiet Pittsburgh neighborhood.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Museum of Quackery and Medical Frauds

A museum within a museum, devoted to history's most questionable medical devices.
London, England

Wellcome Collection & Library

The curios of pharmacist and collector Henry Wellcome.
Charleston, South Carolina

The Waring Historical Library

Dedicated to the history of the health sciences.
Paris, France

Museum of the History of Medicine

One of the oldest medical collections in Europe focusing on rare surgical instruments.
Paris, France

Doctor Charcot's Library

The personal library of the founder of modern neurology is open to visitors.
Kyoto, Japan

Otagi Nenbutsu-ji

Twelve hundred stone carvings guard this off-the-beaten-path Buddhist temple.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Bamboo Forest

The sound of swaying stalks in this stunning grove has been named a governmentally recognized sound.
London, England

William Blake Mosaics

This open-air mosaic gallery honoring an English artist took hundreds of volunteers more than seven years to create.
Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan

Fort San

The abandoned tuberculosis sanatorium is said to be one of the most haunted places in Canada.
Jersey City, New Jersey

Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital

Now abandoned, the first public health hospital in the U.S. saw more than one million immigrants from around the world.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Posada del Sol

Meant to be one of the most extravagant hotels in the world, now an eerie, abandoned architectural gem in Mexico City.
San Francisco, California

Chamber of Secrets Door

This residential door allows San Francisco muggles a glimpse at the wizarding world.
Puerto Rico

Palacete los Moreau

This 20th-century mansion plays a key role in one of Puerto Rico's greatest novels.
Guánica, Puerto Rico

Guánica Lighthouse Ruins

Invading U.S. troops were first seen from this now-abandoned tower, leading to the Spanish-American War.
Ponce, Puerto Rico

Calle 25 de Enero

These red and black houses were awarded to the firefighters who saved their city from an enormous blaze.
Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

Puerto Hermina Ruins

Legend has it this historic port was a popular hideout and smuggling spot for pirates.
Puerto Rico

Cascada La Mina (La Mina Falls)

A magnificent waterfall nestled in the heart of the El Yunque National Forest.
Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico

The Ruins of Central Aguirre

This nearly abandoned "company town" is a ghost of Puerto Rico's once-lucrative sugar industry.