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Places visited in Taroona, Australia
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Arzachena, Italy

The Giants' Grave of Coddu Vecchiu

Mysterious tombstones thought to be remnants of Atlantis.
Barumini, Italy

Su Nuraxi di Barumini

This one-of-a-kind archeological site is home to strange prehistoric ruins, the original use of which is still a mystery.
Oristano, Italy

Sa Sartiglia

This mysterious Sardinian festival sees a horde of blank-faced equestrians compete for tin stars.
Orvieto, Italy

Pozzo di San Patrizio

Water and windows define this defensive Italian well.
Orvieto, Italy

Orvieto Underground

This picturesque Umbrian city has a subterranean side that has long remained hidden.
Nemi, Italy

Nemi Ships

Caligula's colossal pleasure ships, discovered by Mussolini only to be lost in flames.
Cerveteri, Italy

Necropolis of the Banditaccia

Largest necropolis in the Mediterranean.
Rome, Italy

The Museum of Roman Ships at Fiumicino

Roman-era ships unearthed...
Rome, Italy

Secret Compartment in Leonardo da Vinci Statue

A secret hatch containing two parchments was discovered in this statue over 40 years after its installation.
Rome, Italy


The studio built by fascists in the hopes of "reviving the film industry" with the occasional propaganda film opportunity thrown in.
Rome, Italy


Rome's ancient Etruscan rival, now a park full of ruins.
Rome, Italy

Via Appia

2300-year-old Roman road connecting the empire.
Vatican City

Stufetta del Bibbiena

The Vatican's secret porn-festooned bathroom was painted in erotic murals by one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance.
Vatican City

Vatican Necropolis

Hidden beneath the famous St. Peter's Basilica is a veritable city of the dead that may hold the remains of St. Peter himself.
Rome, Italy

Pyramid of Cestius

The only "Egyptian" pyramid in Europe and the legendary tomb of Remus.
Rome, Italy

Museo Nazionale delle Paste Alimentari

This delightful little museum is dedicated to only one thing: pasta.
Rome, Italy

Passetto di Borgo

The Pope’s secret escape route.
Rome, Italy

The Criminology Museum

Ever hear of the Milazzo Cage?
Rome, Italy

Campo de Fiori

This ritzy Italian market is built around a statue of an unforgiven heretic who was burned for his belief in an endless universe.
Rome, Italy

The Mithraeum at Circus Maximus

The underground sanctuary of a mysterious ancient cult.
Rome, Italy

The Mouth of Truth

The yawning maw of this pagan visage is said to bite off the hands of liars.
Rome, Italy

Meridian Line of the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs

Installed in an act of one-upsmanship, the annual sundial in this church is also a symbolic victory for the Gregorian calendar.
Rome, Italy

Domus Aurea

The engineering wonder and pleasure dome of a much-maligned emperor still holds undiscovered secrets.
Rome, Italy

Arch of Gallienus

This Roman arch marks the location of an ancient gate at one of the Seven Hills of Rome.