robocoonie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Healdsburg, California

Hand Fan Museum

This collection of hand fans doubles as a history of femininity.
Santa Barbara, California

Whale House

This stunning sea creature-shaped home blends into the landscape like a fantasy villa.
La Cañada Flintridge, California

Descanso Gardens

Hiding amid the largest camellia collection in the country lies a charming children's maze, donated by a secret admirer.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Diorama

A miniature view of the park, caught in time.
San Francisco, California

Treasure Island Naval History Mural

An enormous artwork that colorfully celebrates over 150 years of US military achievements.
Pasadena, California

Pasadena's Busch Gardens

Southern California’s Theme Park Beginnings.
El Segundo, California

Old Town Music Hall

The Mighty Wurlitzer organ continues to belt out the tunes at downtown El Segundo's historic home for silent and classic movies.
Avalon, California

The Catalina Island Bison Herd

A herd of 150 bison live on California's Santa Catalina Island and are at the heart of an ongoing debate between environmental protection and economic expansion.
Sausalito, California

Marin Headlands

Concrete strongholds stand guard over the Golden Gate.
Los Gatos, California

The Cats

A pair of pure white felines guard the entrance to a spot of California real estate established as an artist's haven.
Sonora, California

Mark Twain's Cabin

Where the writer penned his famous story about a jumping frog.
Hemet, California

Hemet Maze Stone

This mysterious petroglyph evokes the ancient swastika symbol but was later vandalized with the more troublesome Nazi one.
Santee, California

Museum of Creation and Earth History

A Biblically-based Natural History Museum.
Simi Valley, California

House of the Book

A performance hall at the American Jewish University moonlights as a sci-fi film location set.
San Francisco, California

Drawn Stone

Art in the form of a winding, man made crack in stone.
Santa Monica, California

Farnam House

On a quiet suburban street stands a peculiarly decorated house covered in mosaics.
Avalon, California

Wrigley Memorial and Botanical Garden

Chewing gum tycoon's memorial lies perched over wife's botanical gardens on Santa Catalina Island.
Pasadena, California

Wrigley Mansion

Originally the home of chewing gum mogul William Wrigely Jr, it is now the official offices of the Tournament of Roses.
Irwindale, California

Huy Fong Foods Sriracha Factory

Fans of the spicy bright-red sauce can tour where it's made.
San Francisco, California

Battery Chamberlin

Guns that have been defending San Francisco since 1904.
Llano, California

Ruins at Llano Del Rio

The remnants of a failed socialist commune can still be found just off a California highway.
Los Angeles, California

Room 8 the Cat Mural

Hand-crafted tributes to a stray cat named "Room 8" now cover this LA elementary school.
San Diego, California

Unconditional Surrender

A sculpture of the famous photograph stands on San Diego's "Greatest Generation Walk."
Pasadena, California

Planetary Society

Inspiring Earthlings to Boldly Go.