rockermp7's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.
Austin, Texas

Cathedral of Junk

This unique structure in suburban Austin is made up entirely of other people's castaways, and constantly changing.
Austin, Texas

Museum of the Weird

Continuing the tradition of the dime museum in style.
Dripping Springs, Texas

Hamilton Pool

An emerald-green grotto just a short trip from Austin.
El Paso, Texas

Sunland Park Dinosaur Tracks

Search for traces of the dinosaurs that roamed here more than 90 million years ago.
El Paso, Texas

John Wesley Hardin's Grave

A prison-like structure guards the remains of a notorious Old West outlaw.
El Paso, Texas

B-36 Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage of a crash that killed nine people still litters the Franklin Mountains.
El Paso, Texas

Lhakhang Cultural Exhibit

A Bhutanese temple gifted from the isolated Himalayan kingdom is now a surprising cultural gem located at the University of Texas at El Paso.
El Paso, Texas

Casa de Azucar

The house's confection-like decorations are the result of one man's painstaking work over decades.
El Paso, Texas

Wyler Aerial Tramway

This mountain tram provides stunning views while hanging from a single, steel thread.
El Paso, Texas

Hueco Tanks

Natural catch-basin rocks covered in thousands of drawings spanning many millennia.
Helena, Montana

Stonehouse in Reeder's Alley

One home in the historic strip hides secret compartments and the ghostly songs of long-gone canaries.
New Brunswick, New Jersey

Evans/Ellis Cemetery

Seven people are buried in the middle of what's now a movie theater parking lot.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.
Prague, Czechia

Idiom Installation

A Jenga-style cylindrical tower of books that appears to go on forever.
Paris, France

Treaty of Paris Plaque

A simple plaque on the facade is the only reminder that the treaty ending the American Revolution was signed inside.
Stony Point, New York

Old Letchworth Village Cemetery

Hundreds of numbered stakes hidden in the woods mark the graves of the lost souls of a nearby asylum.
Bouée, France

Villa Cheminée

This tiny hotel perched atop a 50-foot tower really puts things into perspective.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

The Oozing Whale Skeleton of New Bedford

For 20 years, this whale skeleton has been slowly dripping oil on the floor of the museum where it hangs.
Essex, England

The Broomway

A perilous medieval road leading right into the sea.
Tambon Pa Fa, Thailand

Wat Pa Thewapithak

The skeletons, demons, and corpses serve as a warning of the terrors of Buddhist Hell.
Milan, Italy

Bar Luce

A Milanese café entirely designed by the American director Wes Anderson.
Wasserauen, Switzerland

Berggasthaus Aescher Wildkirchli

This 170-year-old Swiss guesthouse built into the side of a mountain is best accessed by a cable car.
Marfa, Texas

Hotel Paisano

A little stop along the Texas highway where Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean stayed while shooting the 1955 film "Giant."