Rorybrittin's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ochopee, Florida

Skunk Ape Research Headquarters

In the depths of the Everglades, one man has dedicated his life to studying the elusive Skunk Ape.
St. Petersburg, Florida

Sunken Gardens

A luxuriant botanical garden below sea level.
Key West, Florida

Robert the Doll

This legendary "evil" doll has been haunting the citizens of Key West for over 100 years.
Orlando, Florida

Discovery Island

Disney's abandoned animal island is now an overgrown ruin that was almost the coolest attraction ever.
Guilford Township, Indiana

Who North America

One of the largest collections of merchandise from the famous British sci-fi show can be found smack in the middle of Indiana.
Lincoln City, Indiana

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

The farm where one of America's greatest leaders was raised is now a well-appointed landmark.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Abandoned Dioramas of the Old Grand Rapids Public Museum

The museum moved on, but the diorama remain.
Owosso, Michigan

Curwood Castle

The writing studio of an American adventure author, built in the style of a medieval castle.
Marshall, Michigan

American Museum of Magic

Largest magic museum in the United States with more than half a million pieces of memorabilia.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Ann Arbor’s Fairy Doors

The city is full of whimsical portals to another world.
Onsted, Michigan

Prehistoric Forest Amusement Park

The remains of an abandoned dinosaur theme park litter the woods just off the highway.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Kitchen Witch Cookbooks

This colorful New Orleans bookstore features rare and used titles, with a specialty in Cajun fare.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Doullut Steamboat Houses

A prime example of New Orleans' unique architecture these early 20th century homes were built to look like steamboats.
Pearl River, Louisiana

Honey Island Swamp

Legend says a primate-like cryptid prowls this otherworldy sliver of the Louisiana bayou.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Museum of the American Cocktail

If New Orleans is the birthplace of the "cocktail," why does their own museum of cocktail memorabilia beg to differ?
New Orleans, Louisiana

Tomb of the Unknown Slave

Made of giant chains and hung with shackles, this iron cross honors those unknowns who perished under American slavery.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Roch Chapel

A 19th-century shrine covered with prosthetic body parts as votive offerings.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Cats of Jackson Square

By day this New Orleans square is for pedestrians, but by night it is a kingdom of kittens.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Nicolas Cage's Pyramid Tomb

In 2010, Nicolas Cage purchased two plots in this cemetery using one to construct this strange pyramid mausoleum.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Carousel Bar

The only rotating bar in New Orleans has been slowly spinning since 1949.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Luling Mansion

Despite the ever pressing encroachment of urban sprawl this grand New Orleans manse still stands.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Séance Room at Muriel's Jackson Square

The restaurant keeps a hidden séance room on the second floor and reserves a table for the spirit of the former owner each night.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop

The second oldest continuously operating bar in Louisiana.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Gates of Guinee

According to one local tradition, the entrance to the Voodoo underworld can be found in New Orleans through seven gates scattered throughout the city's French Quarter.