MazelTovCocktail's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Lowell, Massachusetts
Places added to Springfield, Massachusetts
Places visited in North Adams, Massachusetts
Places visited in Massachusetts
Places visited in Worcester, Massachusetts
Places visited in Springfield, Massachusetts
Places visited in Waltham, Massachusetts
Places visited in Newton, Massachusetts
Places visited in Princeton, New Jersey
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Ashtabula, Ohio

Ashtabula Bridge Disaster Monument

A monument to the “unrecognized dead” of the tragic 1876 train crash.
Greensburg, Indiana

Courthouse Tree

For over 100 years, this Indiana town has had a tree growing out the top of the local courthouse.
Crawfordsville, Indiana

General Lew Wallace Study & Museum

On the grounds of this study, Lew Wallace composed "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ" and many other works.
Indianapolis, Indiana

'Twisted House'

Nature and art meet in this curvy creation
Boston, Massachusetts

St. Stephen's Church

A centuries-old church stands as a testament to Boston's "father of architecture."
Boston, Massachusetts

Mather Home

This ambitious father and son team reigned supreme over the North End, and witches, for many years.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Bernardine Wiget Boys School

The location of one of the first private Catholic schools in the country, providing a valuable sanctuary during the tumultuous period when Protestant and Catholic students were at odds.
Boston, Massachusetts

98 Prince Street

The infamous Boston Mob ran rackets from an office here in the 1970s.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Last Tenement

The last remaining 19th-century tenement from Boston's old West End neighborhood.
Boston, Massachusetts

Memorial to Gallops Island Radio Training Station Graduates

This memorial honors those who served on Gallops Island Radio Training Station during the second World War.
Boston, Massachusetts

Great Boston Molasses Flood Plaque

The site of one of the strangest disasters in history—a wave of deadly molasses traveling at 35 mph.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Great Brinks Robbery

This parking garage was the site of what was - at the time - the largest cash robbery in history.
Trenton, New Jersey

Lower Trenton Bridge

This Delaware River bridge is emblazoned with a catty slogan from a more prosperous time.
Hamilton Township, New Jersey

Rat's Restaurant

Step into Monet's world at this fine-dining restaurant in the middle of a New Jersey sculpture park.
West Windsor Township, New Jersey

'War of the Worlds' Monument

A bronze monument to the infamous radio broadcast in the real New Jersey town where the fictional Martians crash-landed.
Princeton, New Jersey

Nassau Hall

Nassau Hall has served as army barracks, a museum, and played a key role in the American Revolution.
Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton Chapel Bulldog

The mysterious canine hides atop a drain pipe on the back of the building, some say as a sneaky shoutout to Yale.
Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton Cemetery

The final resting place of many of New Jersey's most famous residents, including U.S. history's most in-vogue antagonist, Aaron Burr.
Hamden, Connecticut

Best Video Film & Cultural Center

This Connecticut video store has a vast and varied archive that contains everything from 'Koyaanisqatsi' to 'The King's Speech.'
Lincoln City, Indiana

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

The farm where one of America's greatest leaders was raised is now a well-appointed landmark.
East Windsor, Connecticut

Connecticut Trolley Museum

A preserved trolley track that was transformed into a museum of transportation.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Liberty Tree

The former site of an all-but-forgotten colonial landmark is now remembered by an often overlooked bas relief.
Madison, Wisconsin

Eston Hemings's Grave

The final resting place of one of Thomas Jefferson's formerly enslaved sons.
Madison, Wisconsin

Royal Thai Pavilion

Prayers and messages of hope decorate the ceramic tiles of this pavilion.