sailorchihiro's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nottingham, England

Church Cemetery

A spooky juxtaposition of caves and graves gives this legend-filled cemetery a particularly haunting vibe.
North Yorkshire, England

Swinton Druids Temple

Although it appears ancient and mysterious, the quirky folly was actually built 200 years ago by an eccentric estate owner.
Thorpeness, England

House in the Clouds

Unusual British home built to disguise a water tower.
Ironbridge, England

The Iron Bridge

This bridge is the first to be made entirely from iron, but designed like it was still made of wood.
East Molesey, England

Magic Tap

Floating pink tap installed for a flower show in London.
London, England

Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine

A roadside shrine to a late rock god only remains thanks to the unyielding efforts of his fans.
Bath, England

Herschel Museum of Astronomy

Eighteenth-century home, where Herschel discovered the planet Uranus.
Whitby, England

Bram Stoker Memorial Seat

The view that inspired the scenes of Dracula's first landing in England.
London, England

Camera Museum

This museum tucked below a charming cafe gives a brief snapshot of photographic history.
Oxford, England

All Souls College Library

Oxford University's stateliest library seems designed to make students truly feel the weight of knowledge.
Norwich, England

Norwich Plantation Garden

A magnificent Victorian garden that brings the charm and style of old-time aristocracy to the 21st century public.
Liverpool, England

Penny Lane

The Liverpool street made famous by the Beatles is real.
Bristol, England

The Observatory & Camera Obscura

The Bristol Camera Obscura housed in an ancient windmill.
Oxford, England

C.S. Lewis's Grave

The beloved fantasy novelist is buried near a church containing a whimsical etched glass window full of Narnia favorites.
Tintagel, England

Merlin’s Cave

It is said the legendary wizard once lived in this sea cave beneath Tintagel Castle.
Liverpool, England

Strawberry Field

The quiet field that inspired one of the most famous songs of all time.
Downe, England

Down House

The Origin of On the Origin of Species.
Sheffield, England

Alfred Denny Museum

Long-secret natural history museum, featuring the skull of a "Terror Bird."
Oxford, England

Oxford Museum of Natural History

Home to the most complete dodo remains known - one head, and one foot.
Manchester, England

Manchester Museum

19th century museum with an eclectic mix of curiosities, from Egyptian artifacts to items on archery history to the skull of the world's oldest horse.
London, England

Athena the Owl

The Florence Nightingale Museum is home to the famous nurse's most treasured possession: her beloved pet owl.
London, England

David Bowie's Childhood Home

The childhood home of Earth's alien chameleon is a humble Brixton flat.
Oxford, England

J.R.R. Tolkien's Grave

The names Lúthien and Beren can be found inscribed on the shared grave of the famous writer and his beloved wife and muse.
Manchester, England

The Washhouse

This Manchester laundromat is hiding something.