Schiffty5's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Glasgow, Scotland

The Lighthouse

Climb this overlooked gem's spiral staircase and you'll be rewarded with spectacular views of Glasgow.
London, England

Tulip Stairs

The first geometric self-supporting spiral stairs in Britain are a truly beautiful sight.
Tulelake, California

Crystal Ice Cave

Each winter this underground cave forms a dazzling ice palace.
Mt. Jewett, Pennsylvania

Kinzua Bridge

Once the "Eighth Wonder of the World," this iron railroad bridge was decimated by a tornado.
Dunbar, Scotland

Belhaven Bridge

At high tide this strange footbridge appears to have no purpose whatsoever.
Kyoto, Japan

Starbucks Ninenzaka Yasaka Chaya

This Kyoto Starbucks takes coffee drinkers back in time.
New Hyde Park, New York

Denton House McDonald's

This outpost of America's most popular fast-food restaurant is housed inside a palatial mansion.
Pacifica, California

Linda Mar Taco Bell

The most beautiful Taco Bell in the world even has surfboard parking.
Chengdu, China


A KFC honors an eighth-century Chinese poet with holograms and verse.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death

Eighteen miniature death-scene dioramas.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Museum of the Bizarre

A curious collection of oddities including a lock of Alexander Hamilton's hair and Harry Houdini's ouija board.
Asheville, North Carolina

Folk Art Center

A wonderful display of arts and crafts handmade by local artisans in the Southern Appalachians.
Asheville, North Carolina


A wedding chapel, vintage clothing shop, and bar all under one roof.
Asheville, North Carolina


A museum dedicated to the legacy of Bob Moog and his pioneering synthesizers.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Pachinko World

The only pachinko parlor in the United States.
Manteo, North Carolina

The Mother Vine

Perhaps the oldest vine in North America, this sprawling plant helps make a sweet wine.
Asheville, North Carolina

Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center

Carrying on the legacy of a short-lived experimental school tucked away in the mountains of North Carolina.
Littleton, North Carolina

Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum

Bigfoot prints, Feejee mermaids, and haunted dolls on display in a tiny North Carolina town.
Pisgah Forest, North Carolina

Sliding Rock

Who needs fancy modern water slides when this giant North Carolina rock works just as well?
Wilson, North Carolina

Whirligig Park (Formerly Acid Park)

A piece of outsider public art accompanied by a strange urban legend.
Garden Grove, California

Christ Cathedral (Crystal Cathedral)

Megachurch turned Catholic church comprised of 10,000 glass panes.
Pioneertown, California


A fake town founded by Western movie stars is now becoming a hip desert community.
Piercy, California

Confusion Hill

An optical illusion found amid a logged redwood forest.
Felton, California

Bigfoot Discovery Museum

This quirky roadside attraction dives into the many theories surrounding North America's most infamous hairy cryptid.