SEANETTA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Leaderboard Highlights
SEANETTA's activity rankings
Places visited in Edinburgh, Scotland
Places added to Scotland
Places edited in United Kingdom
Places visited in Redwood City, California
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places visited in United Kingdom
Places added to London, England
Places edited in Northern Ireland
San Francisco, California

'City of Paris' Stained Glass

The historic building's ornate stained glass fixture has survived the devastating 1906 earthquake, ensuing fires, and multiple redevelopment attempts.
York, England

Shrine of Saint Margaret Clitherow

A shrine to one of England's female saints in what is believed to be her former home.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral Graffiti

An 18th-century religious argument etched into stone.
Culross, Scotland

Cobblestone Footpath

The raised stones in the middle of this road through Culross are relics of a 17th-century class divide.
Derby, England

Reform Bill Heads

A public art project to commemorate a tumultuous period in Derby's history.
London, England

Cittie of Yorke

This pub has roots dating back to 1430.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'The Cutty Stool'

A bronze statue of a low three-legged seat commemorates a piece of furniture that started a riot.
Glasgow, Scotland

Poetry Postbox

A ceramic postbox where visitors can post original poems and creative messages.
Cupar, Scotland

Covenanter's Grave

Beneath this headstone lie the severed body parts of three individuals who were caught up in a bloody period of Scottish history.
San Diego, California

The Map of the Grand Canyons of La Jolla Shores

A mosaic map made of over 100,000 tiles depicts the geological features and sea creatures that live along this San Diego beachside community.
London, England

'Peter Pan' Gravemarkers

Two tombstones associated with the much-beloved children's story.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Monument to the Scottish Parliament

A stone monument acknowledging Scotland's right to have a separate Parliament from the one in Westminster.
London, England

Tower Hill Execution Site

A memorial for public executions that dates back to the 14th century.
Glasgow, Scotland

Blackstone Chair

The 18th-century inspiration behind Harry Potter's Sorting Hat.
Edinburgh, Scotland

James Braidwood Statue

Dedicated to the Father of the British Fire Service.
Glasgow, Scotland

Hutchesons' Hall Statues

A brother statue swap has adorned this building's facade for centuries.
San Francisco, California

Mary Ellen Pleasant Memorial Park

One of the smallest parks in San Francisco honors the legacy of the "Mother of Civil Rights in California."
San Diego, California

Panama-California Sculpture Court

A hidden courtyard houses early 20th-century plaster masterpieces.
San Francisco, California

'World Sources of Food'

A four paneled, brightly multicolored mosaic adorns the side of this popular grocery store.
San Francisco, California

Sutro Heights Park

A hidden gem, named after a San Franciscan icon, offers spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean.
Torryburn, Scotland

Lilias Adie Grave Marker

The long-lost final resting place of an accused witch.
Paisley, Scotland

Fountain Gardens

Paisley's oldest open green space contains a rather ostentatious fountain at its center.
Perth, Scotland

Smeaton's Bridge

Several bricks indicate the various flood levels this crossing has survived over the centuries.
Glasgow, Scotland

Lion and Unicorn Staircase

This emblematic representation is said to bring the students good fortune.