SEANETTA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Leaderboard Highlights
SEANETTA's activity rankings
Places visited in Edinburgh, Scotland
Places added to Scotland
Places edited in United Kingdom
Places visited in Redwood City, California
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places visited in United Kingdom
Places added to London, England
Places edited in Northern Ireland
Glasgow, Scotland

Clutha and Victoria Bar

The pub has been in operation since 1819 on the banks of the Clyde.
Paris, France

Napoleon’s Hat at Le Procope

The French leader's hat sits in a glass case at the oldest restaurant in Paris.
Glasgow, Scotland

Bella the Beithir

A mythological Celtic beast built with thousands of colorful tiles stands guard over a historic canal junction.
Ipswich, England

Alexander Obolensky Statue

A bronze and stone statue made to recognize the life and career of a Russian aristocrat turned English rugby player.
London, England

Site of the Tabard Inn

The location Geoffrey Chaucer and tale-telling pilgrims set off for Canterbury in April 1386.
Oxford, England

Magdalen College Gargoyles

A cornucopia of gargoyles adorns the oldest portion of Oxford’s Magdalen College.
Colchester, England

Jumbo Water Tower

The largest Victorian water tower in Britain.
Manchester, England


Over 70 independent businesses have set up shop in this former Victorian department store.
Inverkeithing, Scotland

Inverkeithing Parish Church

This impressive Gothic church dates back to 1244 and stands on the site of one of the first churches in Scotland.
London, England

St. Bartholomew’s Gatehouse

One of London’s rare Tudor-era buildings is a fate-defying gatehouse for a church.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Hlavni Nadrazi Vestibule

A historic and beautiful Art Nouveau chamber in a historic railway station.
Bath, England

Head of Sulis Minerva

The accidental discovery of this gilt bronze head led archaeologists to find the Roman Baths in the city of Bath
Edinburgh, Scotland

Óscar Romero Plaque

In memory of the assassinated, now-canonized Salvadoran archbishop who is the namesake of nearby Romero Place.
Manchester, England

The Great Hall within the Royal Exchange

Once called "the biggest room in the world," this Victorian-era hall is so large that it contains a smaller 1970s heptagonal theatre.
London, England

Square the Block

A jumble of concrete on the corner of one of London’s terraced buildings is actually a work of art.
London, England

'The Wisdom of Solomon' Stone Pyramid

This mysterious pyramid is said to be part of a complex web of occult and Freemason symbols.
Manchester, England

Where Rolls Met Royce

Two of the most notable names in automobile history are commemorated at the place where they're said to have first met.
London, England

Tomb of Mary Wollstonecraft

Visit the grave of a famous feminist author and the mother of Mary Shelley.
Bristol, England

John Cabot's Whalebone

A 15th-century whalebone is tucked away in an unassuming corner of this medieval church.
Doune, Scotland

Doune Castle

The castle that provided the setting for much of 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' is now a pilgrimage site for fans.
Birmingham, England

Library of Birmingham

The largest public library in the United Kingdom was designed to reflect the industrial and artistic history of the city where it stands.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Museum of Scottish Fire Heritage

A museum dedicated to firefighting in a city that was crucial to the modern history of the profession.
Glasgow, Scotland

Paddle Steamer Waverley

This vessel is the final ocean-going paddle steamer in the world.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Giant Angus MacAskill Museum

A tiny museum dedicated to the world’s tallest true giant sits on an island he never set foot on.