SEANETTA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Leaderboard Highlights
SEANETTA's activity rankings
Places visited in Edinburgh, Scotland
Places added to Scotland
Places edited in United Kingdom
Places visited in Redwood City, California
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places visited in United Kingdom
Places added to London, England
Places edited in Northern Ireland
London, England

Alcove From Old London Bridge

Before becoming a poet John Keats studied here to become a surgeon.
Prestonpans, Scotland

Robert Burns Memorial Shelter

This massive work of art was designed to commemorate Burns Night and the national poet of Scotland.
Peebles, Scotland

Peebles Mural Project

A town's history displayed through a massive work of art.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cannonball House

This cannonball embedded in the side of an Edinburgh house once served a surprisingly pedestrian purpose.
Bath, England

Dueling Lane

In addition to escorting prospective couples to and from ballrooms, this lane was also a place for gentlemen to settle scores.
York, England

'The Prick of Consciousness'

A stained-glass window from the 15th century offers a vision of the end of the world.
Glasgow, Scotland

'All Greatness Stands Firm in the Storm'

A unique art installation located on what was once considered the widest railway bridge in the world.
Galway, Ireland

Kilmacduagh Monastic Settlement

The ruins of a monastery that dates to the 7th century.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'The Dreamer'

Designed to illustrate two parts of the human psyche.
London, England

Kaspar the Savoy Cat

This black cat was actually designed to ward off bad luck.
Whitby, England

Scoresby's Polar Bear

A monument to the real explorer and bear who inspired characters in Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials.'
Port Seton, Scotland

Chalmers Memorial Church

The true beauty of this church is showcased in the hand-painted stencils across the ceiling.
Broxburn, Scotland

Kirkhill Astronomical Pillar

In the 18th century, the Earl of Buchan mapped the universe on this stone pillar.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Tiffany Glass Window at The Parish Church of St Cuthbert

One of only three examples of a stained glass window manufactured by the Tiffany Company in Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dalmeny Estate Topiaries

On the outskirts of Edinburgh, a trio of topiary created by one man over the course of more than 20 years.
Glasgow, Scotland


This neon sign is an homage to an Alfred Hitchcock film.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Black Castle

This severely painted building has a twisted connection to the witch hunts of the 1640s.
San Francisco, California

Hotaling Place

The oldest alley in San Francisco is paved with a reminder of the city's original shoreline.
Bristol, England

Victoria Font

Designed to celebrate the queen's 40th birthday.
Aberdeen, Scotland

Russell Head

This effigy was crafted to annoy a neighbor after a civil dispute over a foul smell.
Dundee, Scotland

'Ring O' Roses'

Each section of this public work of art represents one of the city's guilds.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Meat Market

The lasting remains of a bygone era of open-air meat markets.
London, England

Memento Mori Pendant

The Ranger’s House exhibits fine mementos collected by Sir Julius Werner during the course of his life, including this infamous pendant.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Hutton Memorial Garden

A stone-filled garden in the heart of Edinburgh commemorates the father of modern geology.