SEANETTA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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SEANETTA's activity rankings
Places visited in Edinburgh, Scotland
Places added to Scotland
Places edited in United Kingdom
Places visited in Redwood City, California
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places visited in United Kingdom
Places added to London, England
Places edited in Northern Ireland
London, England

Shepherdess Walk Mosaics

A display of everyday life in the area that was unveiled during the 2012 Summer Olympics.
Dundee, Scotland

West Bell Street Car Park

A reportedly haunted parking structure with alleged links to Jack The Ripper.
Salford, England

'Salford First'

This statue includes small details that highlight a city of "firsts."
Edinburgh, Scotland

King's Theatre Dome

This modern work of art was a refreshing addition to one of the oldest theatres in the city.
London, England

Dirty Dick's

This pub boasts a curious history and may have inspired a Dickens character.
Dunfermline, Scotland

Reliquary of St. Margaret of Scotland

The remains of "the Pearl of Scotland" can be found inside this church.
Dundee, Scotland

Tay Bridge Memorial

Dedicated to one of the nation's worst engineering disasters.
Kirkcudbright, Scotland

Kirkcudbright Tolbooth

A 17th-century building that once served as the town's courthouse and jail is now a thriving art center.
Oxford, England

Sir James Murray's Post Box

A letterbox installed specifically for the first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary.
Durham, England

Stone Gargoyle Chair

An unusual stone chair can be found on the banks of the River Wear, not far from Durham Cathedral.
Livingston, Scotland

Livingston Stone Circle

Scotland is filled with standing stones that date back hundreds or thousands of years. This is not one of them.
Dunfermline, Scotland

Dunfermline's Wallace Well

Did the legendary Scottish knight William Wallace actually take refuge here after a major battle?
London, England

Spitalfields Charnel House

Preserved behind glass, the ruins of a medieval building used to store human remains.
North Berwick, Scotland

North Berwick Law

An amazing model of a whale's jaw bone pays homage to the region's seafaring traditions.
Bristol, England

Temple Gardens

This church is said to have connections to the Knights Templars.
Kirkcaldy, Scotland

Grave of Marjorie Fleming

A tribute to a child prodigy who died way too young.
Bristol, England

The Guild of Ancient Merchant Taylors

An ornate doorway leads to the former site of one of the city's oldest society of merchants.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Binns Clock

This historic timepiece was a popular meeting place for romantic rendezvous in the 1960s.
Birmingham, England

Needless Alley

A small alleyway with an unusual moniker.
Dundee, Scotland

Wishart Arch

Atop this arch, during the 16th-century, a sermon was given to those suffering from plague.
Durham, England

Sanctuary Knocker

Hundreds of years ago, this lion-shaped door knocker could help a person accused of a crime find temporary safe haven in Durham Cathedral.
London, England

Cheapside Plane Tree

What might be the oldest living tree in London has survived fires, bombings, and estate agents.
York, England

York Tyburn

After public executions took place at this location, attendants would also attend a local horse race.
Glasgow, Scotland

Lady Well

This ancient holy well is older than much of the city that surrounds it.