seb038's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Coleford, England


The mysterious, fantastical woodland inspiration for "The Lord of the Rings."
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Pleasure Beach

The once abandoned ruins of a Victorian beachside amusement park are now back in working order.
East Haddam, Connecticut

Goodspeed Opera House

This opera house along the banks of the Connecticut River has two Tony Awards to its credit but it’s never staged a single opera.
New Haven, Connecticut

East Rock Park

Panoramic views of the city of New Haven and the Long Island Sound, with a side of history.
Hartford, Connecticut

Harriet Beecher Stowe Center

The author of Uncle Tom's Cabin was neighbors with Mark Twain while living in this Connecticut home.
East Lyme, Connecticut

Book Barn

With some 500,000 books across five buildings, this bookstore is a reader's paradise.
Groton, Connecticut

Mystic Pizza

This small-town pizzeria won the Hollywood lottery.
New Canaan, Connecticut

Glass House

Home of Philip Johnson, one of the 20th century's most influential architects.
New Haven, Connecticut

Louis' Lunch

While many places make the claim, the Library of Congress says this restaurant is the birthplace of the hamburger.
Stamford, Connecticut

Walker Library of The History of Human Imagination

An Escher-inspired library dedicated to the wonders of the human mind, yet closed to the public.
Hartford, Connecticut

Museum of Natural and Other Curiosities

A wunderkammer hidden on the top floor of the Hartford statehouse.
East Granby, Connecticut

Old Newgate Prison

A former copper mine which became a truly unsuccessful prison.