shepfu's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Institute of Illegal Images

A museum befitting the city responsible for supplying the majority of the world's LSD.
Shiraz, Iran

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

A spectacular rainbow of stained glass makes the "Pink Mosque" one of the most beautiful in Iran.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

The Basin

Even Henry David Thoreau found this glacial pothole irresistible.
Matavun, Slovenia

Skocjan Caves

This massive subterranean fissure is known as the "underground Grand Canyon."
Prague, Czechia

Idiom Installation

A Jenga-style cylindrical tower of books that appears to go on forever.
Washington, West Virginia

Abandoned Lock No. 19

One of the few surviving examples of the first lock and dam system built on the Ohio River.
Nashville, Tennessee

Ugly Nathan Bedford Forrest Statue

One Confederate statue that accurately reflects the ugliness of its subject.
Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Ascension Cathedral

Rebuilt several decades ago, its striking murals prevent it from being reconsecrated as a church.
Essex, Connecticut

The Griswold Inn

British troops and Prohibition couldn’t stop this spot from becoming one of the United States' oldest continuously-run taverns.
Tolantongo, Mexico

Las Grutas de Tolantongo

The development of this cliffside waterpark is representative of Mexico's history of co-op tourism developments.
Abhaneri, India

Chand Baori

Thousands of exquisitely carved stone water storage wells, hundreds of stone steps fill this exquisite medieval stepwell.
Coral Gables, Florida

Venetian Pool

The only swimming pool listed on the National Register of Historic Places is emptied and refilled each day with naturally filtered water.
Helensburgh, Australia

Glowworm Tunnel

An abandoned railroad tunnel is now filled with bioluminescent bugs.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Westinghouse Atom Smasher

This icon of the Atomic Age now lays dormant.
East Jerusalem, Israel

Immovable Ladder on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

A "miracle" that seems to produce more holy fistfights than holy revelations.
Henshaw, England

Sycamore Gap

Also known as "Robin Hood's tree," this tree became a famed location along Hadrian's Wall before it was cut down in an act of vandalism.
Savannah, Georgia

Grave of Gracie Watson

More than a century after her death, Little Gracie Watson remains one of Savannah's most often-visited residents.
Bern, Switzerland

The Child Eater of Bern

A nearly 500-year-old sculpture depicts a man eating a sack of babies, and no one is sure why.
Decatur, Georgia

Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom on Druid Hill

An unusual art exhibition in a suburban yard is designed to awaken the souls of those flowing by.
Denver, Colorado

International Church of Cannabis

A technicolor place of worship for Elevationists.
Sant Just Desvern, Spain

La Fábrica (The Factory)

An architect transformed this abandoned cement factory into his castle-like workshop.
Cedar Creek, Texas

Ms. Pearl

The world's largest squirrel statue clutches a pecan bigger than your head.
Webster, Massachusetts

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

It's not a typo, now say it five times fast!
New York, New York

The New York Earth Room

A room in New York City that contains 250 cubic yards of dirt worth a million dollars.