shepfu's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lviv, Ukraine

The Most Expensive Galician Restaurant

Get past the gatekeeper's apartment and enter an elaborate hoax of a restaurant with a Masonic feel.
Denver, Colorado

The Grave of Silas Soule

In a dry, neglected cemetery lies the unassuming grave of a soldier vilified in life but celebrated in death.
Nazca, Peru

The Paredones

These overlooked ruins give an intimate look at the Inca Empire's urban planning prowess.
New Mexico

Trinity Atomic Bomb Site

Twice a year, visitors can tour the desolate site that birthed the Atomic Age.
Brooklyn, New York

Spritz Cookie Gravestone

This recipe is set in stone.
Castel di Tora, Italy

Ruins of Antuni

A semi-abandoned village destroyed by U.S. bombings during World War II dominates the valley of Turano.
Kansas City, Missouri

Wheatley-Provident Hospital

The crumbling remains of the first Black-owned and operated hospital in Kansas City.
Porterville, California

Zalud House

The Zalud family experienced a number of tragedies in one decade, giving rise to rumors that the 19th century house is haunted.
Cairo, Illinois

Abandoned Town of Cairo, Illinois

A once-booming Mississippi River town with a history of racial violence is now eerie and mostly abandoned.
Detroit, Michigan

The Raven Lounge

One of Detroit’s oldest blues clubs stands in defiance of the passage of time and the city’s shifting fortunes.
Serik, Turkey

Aspendos Theater

The best-preserved ancient theater in the world.
Zweibrücken, Germany

Zweibrücken R2-D2

A university observatory dome painted to resemble the beloved 'Star Wars' droid.
Buffalo, New York

The Darwin D. Martin House

One of Frank Lloyd Wright's greatest—and favorite—architectural masterpieces was almost lost.
Glastonbury, England

Glastonbury Tor

This hill and tower are steeped in legend, from King Arthur to the Holy Grail.
Guarcino, Italy

Arco di Trevi

This mysterious ancient arch is hidden in the forest of Simbruini Mountains Regional Park.
Odessa, Ukraine

Darth Vader Statue

A monument to Lenin has been transformed into a statue of everyone's favorite black-helmeted, fool-choking Sith Lord.
Montclair, New Jersey

Thomas Edison's Concrete Houses

Edison's cast-in-place concrete houses were a failure, but way ahead of their time.
Minsk, Belarus

Minsk KFC

Remnants of the city's Soviet history hover over this modern fast-food outlet.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio

James A. Garfield's Memorial and Tomb

The only presidential monument to display a late POTUS's actual casket.
Kent, Ohio

Site of Kent State Shootings

Memorials and tributes scattered across the university grounds remember a famous national tragedy of the Nixon era.
Cleveland, Ohio

Jesse Owens Statue

A bronze monument to Cleveland's favorite, fastest son.
Cleveland, Ohio

Grave of Alan Freed

A jukebox headstone marks the grave of the Cleveland disc jockey credited with coining the term “rock 'n' roll."
Cleveland, Ohio

Wade Memorial Chapel

Inside the unassuming cemetery chapel is a magnificent stained glass window and mosaics.
Cleveland, Ohio

Streetcar Deck of the Detroit-Superior Bridge

Abandoned since the 1950s, the streetcar lane beneath the heavily trafficked bridge lays empty and unused.