slendersam18's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Captain Cook, Hawaii

Kona Coffee Living History Farm

Try your hand at old-fashioned coffee growing at this museum devoted to one of the world's most coveted beans.
Atlanta, Georgia

Folk Art Park

A psychedelic tribute to one of Georgia's most unique artistic visionaries, out of place and time in the heart of Atlanta.
Penn Yan, New York

Largest Pancake Griddle In the World

This oversize piece of novelty cookware once cooked the largest pancake in the world.
Danbury, Connecticut

Hearthstone Castle

A castle inspired by medieval architecture is hidden in the woods of Connecticut.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Food Gatherers' Giant Carrots

The 10-foot-tall vegetables belong to Michigan’s first food rescue program.
San Rafael, California

Marin County Civic Center

Frank Lloyd Wright died a year before construction on his largest public project even began.
San Diego, California

Abandoned Freeway Stub on State Route 163

The freeway that never was.
Holland, Michigan

Windmill Island Gardens

The park is home to the United States's only still-operating Dutch windmill.
Rochester, New York

Rochester Lilac Festival

One of the largest festivals of flowers in North America takes place, appropriately, in the Flower City.
Brooklyn, New York

Vale of Cashmere

This secluded ruin was once a home for exotic plants.
Rahway, New Jersey

Grave of the Unknown Woman

The final resting place of a famous 19th-century murder victim whose identity is still a mystery.
Biddeford, Maine

Palace Diner

Maine's oldest diner also happens to win acclaim for its elevated comfort food.
North Miami Beach, Florida

Miami Showmen's Association Rest

A gaudy painted elephant stands in memory of south Florida's fallen carnies.
Fayetteville, West Virginia

Brooklyn Ruins

The remains of one of the last mining camps developed on the New River.
Berkeley, California

Cafe Ohlone

This restaurant offers the original California cuisine.
Brooklyn, New York

'Jumping Jack' Power Plant

A mysterious, abandoned building rotting on the Brooklyn waterfront.
Wendover, Utah


This former rail stop in Utah was abandoned, repopulated by some nostalgic friends, and now is home to a single DIY aviator who lives in a hangar.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Civil Defense Control Center

An abandoned underground bunker not far from downtown New Orleans.
San Rafael, California

420 Louis Pasteur Statue

Of all the origin stories for weed's secret code, this one likely has the goods.
Jersey City, New Jersey

White Mana Diner

This unassuming retro burger joint was billed as “diner of the future” at the 1939 World's Fair.
Peninsula, Ohio

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad

A throwback train ride transports passengers through one of the lesser-known national parks in the country.
Wilmington, Delaware

The Crying Giant

This weeping, 10-foot-tall sculpture was a maquette for a 9/11 memorial.
Hancock, Vermont

Texas Falls

An ancient glacial pothole waterfall in the heart of the Green Mountains.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Shatter Cones

The shattered remnants of a meteor that struck Santa Fe more than a billion years ago.