slgwv's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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slgwv's activity rankings
Places visited in Fallon, Nevada
Places added to Nevada
Places edited in Nevada
Places visited in Nevada
Places added to Reno, Nevada
Places edited in Kanab, Utah
Places visited in Hiko, Nevada
Places added to United States
Places edited in Idaho
Littlefield, Arizona

Cedar Pocket Sinkhole

An improbable sinkhole in the sediments flanking the Beaver Dam Mountains.
Bruneau, Idaho

Bruneau Canyon

The "Grand Canyon of Southwestern Idaho" makes a spectacular gash across the flat Snake River plain.
Grampian, Pennsylvania

Bilger's Rocks

Rocky outcrops containing overhangs, caves, fissures, clefts, and alcoves that invite exploration and scrambling.
Mesquite, Nevada

Davidson Family Gravesite

The remote graves of a Scottish family who died of thirst while attempting to reach St. George.
Cleft, Idaho

Crater Rings

Two geologically young and nearly circular volcanic subsidence craters, each about a half-mile in diameter, abruptly break the nearly featureless Snake River Plain.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Landis Valley Museum

This museum focuses on the history and culture of the German settlers in Pennsylvania.
Leeds, Utah

Silver Reef

A mining camp built around an unexpected occurrence of silver.

Delamar Dry Lake

This dry lake bed was once an emergency landing strip for military and experimental aircraft.

Anniversary Narrows

A spectacular slot canyon at the northern edge of Lake Mead National Recreation Area.
Paisley, Oregon

Fremont National Recreation Trail

A remote trail traverses the little-known Gearhart Mountains of southern Oregon.
Fallon, Nevada

Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge

The sump of the landlocked Carson River is a haven for wildlife.
Bridgeport, California


Bodie's 20th-century rival was a paragon of respectability and calm—but the mines eventually ran dry.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Hidden Forest Trail

A spring and an enigmatic cabin lie in a ponderosa pine forest in the heart of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge.
Valley Falls, Oregon

Lake Abert

Oregon's only closed-basin hypersaline lake, an important stopover for migrating waterfowl, is in danger of drying up completely.
Summer Lake, Oregon

Fremont Point

Stay in an old lookout cabin atop Oregon's spectacular Winter Ridge.
Valley Falls, Oregon

Abert Rim

This spectacular fault escarpment, a popular hang-glider launch point, extends some 30 miles long and towers about 2,500 feet over the valley floors to the west.
Bridgeport, California

Chemung Mine

An abandoned early 20th-century gold mine in a spectacular setting overlooking Bridgeport Valley and the Sierra Nevada.
Reno, Nevada

Keck Museum

The original building of a mining school endowed by one of the barons of the Comstock Lode now houses a museum of earth science and mining history.
Yerington, Nevada

Pine Grove and Rockland

Well-preserved ruins in the Pine Grove Hills of western Nevada.
Beckwourth, California

Clover Valley Lumber Company Railroad

One of the last "timber railroads" in the United States was finally abandoned in 1957.
Terrebonne, Oregon

Smith Rock State Park

Spectacular volcanic cliffs along the Crooked River invite hiking, rock climbing, and photography.

Tufa Cave

A large wave-cut shelter, a major archeological site, overlooks the dry basin of Winnemucca Lake.
Sterling, Colorado

Overland Trail Museum

Snapshots of late 19th and early 20th century Americana, focused on life on the plains, are displayed in this museum.
Fallon, Nevada

Salt Cave

Red ocher pictographs survive in this tufa rock shelter on the shore of an ancient lake.