Snakes for Hair's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Chelsea Physic Garden

London's old-school healing garden.
London, England

Archie the Giant Squid

The monster at the center of the Darwin Center Spirit Collection.
London, England

Lindow Man

A naturally mummified 2,000-year-old man.
London, England

Brompton Cemetery

The sixth of London's "Magnificent Seven" cemeteries, and a source of unlikely inspiration to Beatrix Potter.
London, England

Crystal Palace Dinosaurs

Abstract dinosaur models in London.
London, England

Hyde Park Pet Cemetery

The final resting place to 300 Victorian-era pets hides inside the city park.
London, England

Suck and Chew

"Purveyors of traditional sweets and vintage treats."
London, England

Stables Market

Catacombs turned marketplace.
London, England

Growing Underground

The world's first underground farm is in a World War II bomb shelter beneath the streets of London.
London, England

Abney Park Cemetery

A historic arboretum and non-conformist, non-denominational park cemetery.
London, England

Masonic Lodge of the Andaz Hotel

Hidden behind a wall for decades, this masonic lodge was only rediscovered during renovations.
London, England

Broad Street Cholera Pump

The John Snow Memorial marks the epicenter of London's 1854 cholera epidemic.
London, England

Ruins of the Crystal Palace

The remains of Crystal Palace Great Exhibition of 1851.
London, England

Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Pathology Museum

A collection dedicated to the treatment of disease, held in London's oldest hospital.
London, England

Horniman Museum and Gardens

A Victorian natural history and ethnographic museum with wonderful turn-of-the-century, science-book-esque evolution displays.
London, England

Darwin Centre Spirit Collection

Repository for more than 22 million pickled specimens.
London, England

The Old Curiosity Shop

The quaint little store that is said to have inspired a famous Dickens novel was only given its name after the book was released.
London, England

Ruined Victorian Folly

Remnants of a Victorian garden feature sitting in public woodland.
London, England

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

A historic London cemetery now serves as a nature park incorporating gravestones & memorial statues.

Dennis Severs' House

A historic house left in "dramatic still life."
London, England

The Wildgoose Memorial Library

A mysterious artist-run cabinet of curiosities and library.
London, England

Hoxton Street Monster Supplies

A special shop catering to the needs of things that go bump in the night, and also helps kids become writers.
London, England

The Churchill War Rooms

The perfectly preserved underground rooms where Churchill plotted the war against Germany.
London, England

Old Operating Theatre Museum & Herb Garret

In this cobwebbed old operating theater, you can practically hear the screams of the unanesthetized patients.