sorino's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Brussels, Belgium
Places visited in Sibiu, Romania
Places visited in Vaals, Netherlands
Places visited in Constanța, Romania
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Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt Book Burning Memorial

Somber memorial to the May 10, 1933, book-burning which took place on this spot.
Frankfurt, Germany

Eiserner Steg (Iron Bridge)

Fantastic views and thousands of love locks.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

The House with Two Numbers

This residence straddles a border between Belgium and the Netherlands.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

The Migrating House

Not many houses move across borders, this one did it twice.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

Borders of Baarle-Nassau and Baarle-Hertog

A maze of crosses marks the jumbled divide between the Netherlands and Belgium.
Turnhout, Belgium

National Museum of the Playing Card

Relics from as far back as the 16th century are on display in a city known for its playing card industry.
Hamburg, Germany

Harry’s Harbor Bazaar

A wunderkammer of exoticism immortalized by Tom Waits.
Canterbury, England

Geoffrey Chaucer Statue

Inspired by Thomas Stothard's painting of the "Journey to Canterbury," albeit with Canterbury natives.
Ghent, Belgium


This fairytale castle was built as a show of power but was nearly torn down thanks to its history of torture.
Antwerp, Belgium

Hand of Druon Antigoon

The legendary giant's severed hand sits on Antwerp's popular shopping street.
Antwerp, Belgium

Nello and Patrasche

This statue dedicated to the story of a Flemish boy and his dog was relatively obscure in Belgium, but a cult sensation in Japan.
Brussels, Belgium

Laeken Cemetery Crypt

This recently restored crypt was once plagued by liquefying coffins and exploding caskets.
Liège, Belgium

Bueren Mountain

This giant urban staircase was built to keep the city's brave fighting men from getting waylaid in the red light district.
Cologne, Germany

St. Petersglocke

The largest bell in the world has been swinging high above a Cologne cathedral for almost a century.
Trier, Germany

Karl Marx House

The birthplace of Karl Marx is now a museum dedicated to the communist revolutionary's life and work.
Trier, Germany

Porta Nigra

The last bastion of Roman presence north of the Alps looms over a German town.
Vaals, Netherlands

Labyrint Drielandenpunt

A beautiful maze marks where three countries meet.
Vaals, Netherlands


The tallest mountain in mainland Netherlands isn't actually very tall.
Hamburg, Germany

Der Pudel auf dem Dach (The Poodle on the Roof)

Hidden in plain sight on a gable between two towers on the roof of shipping firm F. Laeisz' headquarter in Hamburg sits an unexpected bronze sculpture.
Hamburg, Germany

St. Nicholas' Church

Once the tallest building in the world, this abandoned church is now a monument to the destruction of WWII.
Lübeck, Germany

Medieval Courtyards of Lübeck

The small alleys in Lübeck's Old Town are a result of medieval urban sprawl.
Lübeck, Germany

Astronomical Clock at St. Mary's Church

A stunning two-story timepiece within a medieval Brick Gothic church.
Lübeck, Germany

The Devil's Stone

A statue honors the local legend that the devil helped build St. Mary's church after being tricked into thinking it was going to be a wine bar.
Ronnede, Denmark

Skovtårnet (Forest Tower)

A spiralling hourglass-shaped tower rises from the forests in Denmark.