StaceyCoad's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Highland, Scotland

Cairngorm Reindeer Centre

Britain's only herd of free-ranging reindeer.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland

New Slains Castle Ruins

The remains of a grand castle that may have inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Fortingall, Scotland

The Fortingall Yew

Possibly the oldest living thing in Europe, more likely a pagan survivor.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Barnton Quarry Nuclear Bunker

Long abandoned underground complex to keep royals safe from a nuclear war that never came.
Glasgow, Scotland

Fossil Grove

Hidden in a Scotland museum is a copse of extinct tree stumps.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr Neil's Garden

A secret garden in a picturesque Edinburgh village has inspired artists for centuries.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Orkney, Scotland

Old Man of Hoy

A red sandstone freestanding monolith rises out of the sea in northern Scotland.
East Lothian, Scotland

Yester Castle

Ruined castle with subterranean vaulted Goblin Ha' or "Goblin Hall."
Paisley, Scotland

'Alien' Gargoyle

A familiar otherworldly creature guards this 12th-century Scottish abbey.
Shetland Islands, Scotland

Broch of Mousa

A remarkably well preserved tower dating all the way back to the Iron Age.
Orkney, Scotland

The Stones of Stenness

Possibly the oldest of Britain's ancient henges is also one of its most stark.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Highland, Scotland

Massacre Cave

This cramped crevasse saw the entire population of its island suffocated inside its depths.
Largs, Scotland

Kelburn Castle

This stately estate house features a tower covered in a bright, modern mural.
Dunbar, Scotland

Belhaven Bridge

At high tide this strange footbridge appears to have no purpose whatsoever.
Highland, Scotland

Clootie Well

A pagan tradition of draping trees with rags eerily lives on.
Grangemouth, Scotland

The Kelpies

The heads of two giant mythological water horses honor Scotland's horselord past.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Surgeons' Hall Museums

A book bound in the skin of an infamous criminal, along with countless other specimens.
North Berwick, Scotland

Ruins of Tantallon Castle

The one-time stronghold of the noble Douglas family, now home to ghost sightings and nesting birds.
Roslin, Scotland

Rosslyn Chapel

A church that bred legends, and served as an inspiration for the Da Vinci Code.
Craighat, Scotland

Devil's Pulpit

A strange rock with a sinister reputation lurks within the crimson waters of this Scottish glen.
Stonehaven, Scotland

Dunnottar Castle

The ruins of this gorgeous clifftop castle look like something from a fantasy novel.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Gearrannan Blackhouse Village

Spend the night in this formerly abandoned traditional Scottish village.