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New York, New York

Slocum Memorial Fountain

Monument to a forgotten NYC disaster that claimed the lives of 1,000.
New York, New York

The Cross at Ground Zero

Pulled from the rubble of one of the worst modern tragedies, a steel crossbeam became a symbol of hope for New Yorkers.
New York, New York

Survivor Tree

The last living thing to come out of the rubble after 9/11 is now a symbol of hope and resilience.
Brooklyn, New York

Do the Right Thing Way

Spike Lee's provocative film is officially honored right where it was made, the first time a work of art was used as a secondary street name.
Brooklyn, New York

Calvert Vaux Cove

This small, hidden cove is home to abandoned boats.
Brooklyn, New York

Martense Lane Rock

This seemingly unremarkable boulder is said to bear the hoofprint of the devil himself.
Queens, New York

Vander Ende-Onderdonk House

The oldest Dutch colonial stone house in New York City is a hidden gem on the border of Brooklyn and Queens.
Brooklyn, New York

The Evergreens Cemetery

Final resting place for the Triangle Shirtwaist fire’s unidentified victims.
Brooklyn, New York

Mount Prospect Park

This city park was once a lookout point for George Washington’s army during the Battle of Brooklyn in 1776.
Brooklyn, New York

The Tomb of Jane Griffith

A heartbreaking monument showing the last morning in the life of Jane Griffith.
Brooklyn, New York

Most Holy Trinity Cemetery

A burial ground of rusting metal grave markers.
New York, New York

New York Cancer Hospital

This castle-like building in Manhattan helped destigmatize cancer in the 19th century.
New York, New York

Strecker Memorial Laboratory

Site of the first pathological and bacteriological research facility in the United States.
Bronx, New York

Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto at St. Lucy's Church

Collect holy water from a Bronx grotto.
New York, New York

Death Avenue Plaque

Manhattan's deadly West Side railroad, which killed hundreds of New Yorkers, is remembered by this simple plaque.
Brooklyn, New York

Barkaloo Cemetery

Brooklyn's Barkaloo Cemetery is the resting place of a scant two bodies.
Staten Island, New York

Willowbrook State School

Failed state-supported institution meant to rehabilitate students with intellectual disabilities.
New York, New York

William J. Syms Operating Theatre

Once considered the height of medical modernity, this structure is now the oldest remaining component of Roosevelt Hospital.
New York, New York

First Shearith Israel Graveyard

Revolutionary War casualties fill the only 17th century structure remaining in Manhattan.
New York, New York

Nathan Hale Hanging Site

A plaque immortalizes the spot where the early American spy said his famous last words: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
New York, New York

New York Herald Monument

There are owls with glowing eyes in Herald Square.
Bronx, New York

Bartow Station

A former connection to City Island, it has been abandoned since the 1930s.
New York, New York

Catacombs of Old St. Patrick's Cathedral

Historical figures from New York City's Catholic community reside in Midtown.
New York, New York

Collyer Brothers Park

Harlem park dedicated to compulsive hoarders killed by their own junk.