Steve 55's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in England
Places edited in Guildford, England
Places visited in Cambridge, England
Places visited in London, England
Places edited in Seychelles
Places visited in United Arab Emirates
Places visited in Brighton, England
Places edited in Ethiopia
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London, England

Masonic Lodge of the Andaz Hotel

Hidden behind a wall for decades, this masonic lodge was only rediscovered during renovations.
Wothorpe, England

Wothorpe Towers

The ruins of a 17th-century lodge on a grand estate are being slowly restored to their former glory.
Heckington, England

Heckington 8-Sail Windmill

The last working windmill in the U.K. that has eight sails.
Fulbeck, England

Mannakin Hall

This 20-foot mountain is made up of some 15,000 mannequins—if you visit, you can even take a piece home with you.
Lincolnshire, England

Bowthorpe Oak

England’s ancient oak tree has such an impressive girth, people have been hosting parties within the hollow trunk for centuries.
Boston, England

Misericords of Boston Stump

These carved medieval "mercy seats" are among the finest in the world.
Cambridge, England

Jesus Green Lido

Cambridge’s century-old outdoor swimming pool is tied for being the longest pool in the United Kingdom, but it is also unusually narrow.
Cambridge, England

Fata Morgana Teahouse

The design of this seemingly translucent two-story tower in northwest Cambridge was inspired by an optical illusion.
Oakington, England

Grave of Walter "Snowy" Farr

After this beloved Cambridge character passed away, the community raised funds to provide him with a proper gravestone.
Cambridge, England

Scott Polar Research Institute Museum & Library

An extraordinary library and archive dedicated to the history of the Arctic and Antarctic poles.
Moulton, England

Moulton Crow Fair

Every July, men dressed as giant crows dance around a scarecrow who comes to life.
London, England

Eltham Palace

Art Deco and “Wrenaissance” mash-up, this recently restored royal residence has been home to kings and comes with secret monkey passages included.
London, England

Charlton House

The grounds of this Jacobean estate contain one of the oldest mulberry trees in England.
Milton Keynes, England

Concrete Cows

A herd of half-sized cow sculptures has stood in this part for nearly 50 years.
Marston, England

Lion Salt Works

Learn about the history of mining and making salt at this Cheshire museum.
Manchester, England

Soviet Engels Statue

Manchester salvaged this sculpture of the adopted Mancunian when it was no longer wanted in Ukraine.
Manchester, England

The Haçienda Apartments

This building's name and a plaque are all that's left of what was probably the most important nightclub of the Madchester music scene.
Manchester, England

Tower of Light

When the city of Manchester built a new centralized heating network, they did it with style.
Manchester, England

Where Rolls Met Royce

Two of the most notable names in automobile history are commemorated at the place where they're said to have first met.
Manchester, England

Peterloo Memorial

The city of Manchester quietly unveiled this tribute to a 19th-century massacre.
Manchester, England

Manchester and Salford Junction Canal

An abandoned canal route lies hidden under the streets of Manchester.
Manchester, England

Dalton's Entry

An obscure walkway dedicated to a scientist who helped pave the way for the world to sit up and take notice of Manchester.
Manchester, England

The Manchester Bee

Be on the lookout for the symbolic insect all over the city.
Manchester, England

The Great Hall within the Royal Exchange

Once called "the biggest room in the world," this Victorian-era hall is so large that it contains a smaller 1970s heptagonal theatre.