Steve 55's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in England
Places edited in Taipei, Taiwan
Places visited in Oxford, England
Places visited in London, England
Places edited in Kent, England
Places visited in United Arab Emirates
Places visited in Brighton, England
Places edited in Ethiopia
Places visited in Coventry, England
London, England

Beau Brummell Statue

A statue honoring a preeminent 19th-century dandy and important figure of men’s fashion.
London, England

Pimlico Priapus

This sanitized yet surreal depiction of a Greek fertility god looks over a square in one of central London’s residential areas.
London, England

Ancient Melancholy Man

This statue in Holland Park might be one of London’s oldest outdoor statues, but its exact origins are unknown.
London, England

The Ostler's Hut

This is London's smallest listed building.
London, England

Modern Martyrs

The niches over the western entrance of Westminster Abbey honor individuals from the 20th century who gave their lives for their Christian beliefs.
London, England

Umit & Son

A vintage media store and safe haven for cinema buffs who love 16mm films shown on vintage projectors.
London, England

Oval Gasholder

How did a fuel storage container become one of the most famous sights in the sporting world of cricket?
London, England

Holborn Viaduct

London’s first road overpass is so old that it was originally built for horse-drawn carriages.
Rickmansworth, England

Rickmansworth Aquadrome

In this recreational park, two artificial lakes share a surprising connection to Wembley Stadium.
London, England

Stairway to Heaven Memorial

An inverted staircase above the entrance to the Bethnal Green Underground Station functions as a memorial for people who lost their lives during the worst civilian disaster in the U.K. during World War II.