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Temoaya, Mexico

Centro Ceremonial Otomí

This ceremonial Mexican square looks as though it belongs in a science fiction movie.
Tula, Mexico

Tula Giants

These enigmatic columns tower over the ruins of an ancient Toltec city.
Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico

Nieves Exóticas of Jardín Principal

Meat and seafood are part of the frozen dessert flavors available at these legendary street stands.
Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico

Son of the Tree of the Night of Sorrows

A sapling of the legendary tree where conquistador Hernán Cortés sat and wept after an Aztec uprising.
Guanajuato, Mexico

Hotel Castillo Santa Cecilia

A hotel masquerading as a medieval castle overlooks a Mexican city.
León, Mexico

Catacombs at Templo Expiatorio

A neo-Gothic temple in central Mexico featuring a labyrinthine network of crypts.
El Rosario, Mexico

Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve

The winter home of millions of migrating monarch butterflies.
Guanajuato, Mexico

House of Laments

Kitschy horror displays now fill the house where some very real serial killing took place.
Guanajuato, Mexico

Hacienda del Cochero

Peaceful gardens hide an underground torture museum.
Guanajuato, Mexico

Museo de las Momias de Guanajuato

Mexico's astounding mummy museum with "the world's smallest mummy."
Guanajuato, Mexico

Ex-Hacienda de San Gabriel de Barrera Gardens

This colonial mining complex is now home to magnificent themed gardens.
Angahuan, Mexico

Viejo San Juan Parangaricutiro

This church, buried halfway in lava rock, is all that remains of a Mexican village destroyed by a volcano.
Morelia, Mexico

The Former Chapel Hospital of Los Juaninos

This colonial-era hospital chapel is now a foyer and side entrance to a popular department store.
Morelia, Mexico

'People and Landscape of Michoacán' Mural

This masterpiece of muralism depicts the rich culture of the people of Michoacán and their timeless connection to the land.
Morelia, Mexico

'Uandákua Tsïuaxati/Brota la Lengua' ('The Language Springs')

One of Mexico's few murals dedicated to an indigenous language.
Uruapan, Mexico

Parque Nacional Barranca del Cupatitzio (Cupatitzio Canyon National Park)

One of Mexico's rare urban natural parks features waterfalls and a working fish farm.
Santa Ana Chapitiro, Mexico

Temple of Santa Muerte

This church devoted to Mexico's "dead saint" is a festive celebration of a formerly hidden religious figure.
Fremont, California

The Secret Sidewalk

The old Niles Canyon Aqueduct in the San Francisco Bay Area is a bemusing and secret trail through nature for wayward travelers.
Mill Valley, California

Mount Tamalpais Aircraft Crash Site

Law-protected wreckage serves as a peculiar memorial for an almost forgotten World War II tragedy.
Nevada City, California

'Ladies of the Evening' Marker

Hidden in a hotel parking lot is a strange historical plaque erected by an obscure fraternal society.
San Francisco, California

Aquatic Park Tombstones

Visible below the waves are memorials to the city's Gold Rush dead.
San Francisco, California

Li Po Cocktail Lounge

One of the last remnants of the city's Chinese nightclub scene is now a dive bar selling killer mai tais.
San Francisco, California

Raygun Gothic Rocket Ship

A rococo retro-futurist future-rustic vernacular between yesterday’s tomorrow and the future that never was.
Oakland, California

Watermelon Rock

A unique piece of graffiti offers a little slice of local history and mystery.