sweetcandee00's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fallon, Nevada

Salt Cave

Red ocher pictographs survive in this tufa rock shelter on the shore of an ancient lake.
Lovelock, Nevada

Lovelock Cave

How a bat poo mine became a major Native American archaeological site—and connections to legendary red-haired giants.
Porterville, California

Zalud House

The Zalud family experienced a number of tragedies in one decade, giving rise to rumors that the 19th century house is haunted.
Yerington, Nevada

Pine Grove and Rockland

Well-preserved ruins in the Pine Grove Hills of western Nevada.
Lundy, California

May Lundy Mine

A scenic hike in the High Sierra that ends at an old gold mine.
Riverside, California

The Parent Washington Navel Tree

This California tree is the single source of the state's entire orange industry.
Riverside, California

World’s Largest Paper Cup

A tribute to the disposable cups that were once manufactured here, this 68-foot-tall statue would be difficult to throw away.
Llano, California

Ruins at Llano Del Rio

The remnants of a failed socialist commune can still be found just off a California highway.
San Bernardino, California

Wigwam Village #7

These structures were inspired by both Native American shelters as well as, strangely, an ice cream shop.
Bodfish, California

Silver City Ghost Town

This ramshackle ghost town is comprised of mining-era buildings collected from around the region.
Three Rivers, California

Tharp’s Log

A 19th-century cabin built into a hollowed-out Sequoia tree.
Hi Vista, California

Sanctuary Adventist Church

The "Kill Bill Church" was transformed into a place of worship after a long Hollywood history.
California City, California

Lake Shore Inn

Abandoned hotel with adjacent lake and golf course.
Palm Springs, California

Indian Canyons

Traversing these canyons, visitors can take in stunning views and glimpses of the region's history.
Winterhaven, California

Valley of the Names

Since World War II people have been decorating this stretch of the Yuma desert with signatures arranged out of rocks.
Palm Springs, California

Tahquitz Creek Falls

At the western edge of Palm Springs, a rugged desert canyon trail leads to a waterfall at the base of the San Jacinto Mountains.
Palm Desert, California

Curves and Zigzags

A black and white painted wall creates an optical illusion in the California desert.
Palm Springs, California

Ruddy's General Store Museum

This general store offers visitors a glimpse back into the 1930s.
Palm Springs, California

'The Babies'

Instead of faces, these sculptures have barcodes—statements on societal dehumanization.
Mecca, California

Salton Sea History Museum

A museum dedicated to a sea that should have never been.
Palm Springs, California

Sonny Bono Statue

A bust of the entertainer and politician sits in an alcove at the Palm Springs Airport.
La Quinta, California

Big Metal Roadrunner

A giant desert bird that once swung music fans at Coachella now has a home in a nearby traffic circle.
Victorville, California

George Air Force Base

Abandoned Air Force base that has fallen into disrepair.
Niland, California

East Jesus

An off-grid art installation that encourages its visitors to imagine a world without waste.